Mad Dr. Ama

LOL Thta’s a deep cut

What happened the the Gizmodo VIP RSS feeds?


  • Who did the cooking in your family when you were growing up? What seasonings did they use in almost everything? My mom did all the cooking and I learned from her. Pureed garlic, ginger and onions went on almost everything from sauces to marinades. Oh and the obligatory Maggi bouillon cube every African cook uses.

No thanks, I’m fine with my diabeetus induced blindness from eating delicious milk chocolate.

That bald headed manc twat is a genius

RIP StepTo

“a white police officer shooting and killing Darren Wilson, a unarmed black teenager.”

When is We Gon’ Be All White premiering???

Ad a Canadian expat in the US of A I totally agree with you! I also miss Aero bars and all dressed chips. Also Kit Kat Chunky bars and most importantly Kraft peanut butter! Jif is too sweet and Skippy is too salty. Kraft is just right.

What about Jubei? Was he ever in a comic book?

@desusnice calls him Alabaster Ewing. I think we should go with that

justinwjames is right, i upgraded my mid 2010 mbp to 16gb, swapped the hdd for a samsung ssd.