
I submitted this last year but it was way too late... so here goes again

“Did you hear that, Tone? I says there’s never a bad time to appreciate just how funny Tony Sirico was as Paulie Walnuts!”

oh my heart! Schitt’s Creek deserved all of the love. this isn’t the Academy giving wins to make up for 4 seasons of nomination snubs - this is winning because of the pure greatness that was SC. 

This is literally in the ABQ Journal linked. They had access to the internet. Dad loved to post anti-mask and COVID-denying articles on Facebook. If you can access Facebook, you can Google. If dad had spent some time researching financial assistance for cancer patients instead of reading and sharing anti-mask articles

Though the lack of universal healthcare in this country is a travesty, this boy’s tragic death isn’t entirely due to it. From the Albuquerque Journal:

I have seen people go into debt to treat their cat’s cancer. You take on the debt to save the life of your child, whom you are responsible for keeping alive, and figure it out later. There are lots of organizations that offer financial assistance for cancer patients, and many hospitals will write off hospital bills as

Sorry but no. This is neglect. This is not okay. Is it awful that healthcare is so expensive & difficult to access in our country? Yes, of course! But you don’t LET YOUR CHILD DIE because you’re scared of debt. You take on the debt. You ask the hospital if they can write off your medical bills as charity for

My cat would do the same thing, except after entering the bath with me it would claw me violently all over. And at the dinner table. Same for bed. And the couch, too.

I’m reluctant to share this

It seems they are both playing to the gallery. Hopefully an impartial judge will be able to sort out the truth beyond the headlines. 

Physical and emotional abuse can go both ways and roles can reverse at any time. Are we trying to ultimately decide who started the abuse and therefore who is “justified” in retaliating?

Dude, DeAngelo wasn’t a retired police officer; he was a fired police officer. He was fired for shoplifting. 

And they call the act ... The Aristocrats!

If loving this guy is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

I think all the ass, err, MAGHats should, after their protest, be put on an island and we can watch from a distance all of them die from COVID19.

I worked at the same chinese place as my wife. It’s a semi-basement unit in an old downtown with drop ceilings.

She was way above most chroniclers of Hollywood history (she added understanding and compassion to copious research). I’m also stunned because I just read a new quote from her (positively critiquing someone else’s work), like two weeks ago!

Timberlake should have kept his dick in a box.

Now playing

Just posted this on the pop culture weekend article, too. Sorry for the redundancy.

Bob Odenkirk’s picture looks likes he’s the kind of guy that definitely gets into cane fights on the floor of the Senate