The full script of her statement is here:
The full script of her statement is here:
Read the full transcript. It is disturbing both because there is no doubt that people are taking advantage of her and also it is clear that Brittany is troubled and likely does need a lot of support to function.
Great to hear from the ICU nurses, but want to point out that nursing is not limited to inpatient settings, we are present in ambulatory care, nursing homes, and in the community too. Public health nurses are trying to keep families safe while quarantining/isolating in the home. We work with our physician colleagues fo…
Bush meat is not necessarily a primate, it is really any kind of wild animal.
So Last Week Tonight with John Stewart?
As stated above, some kinds of lymphoma are very treatable , even curable, and others have a poor prognosis. Let’s hope Jeff has one of the types that are highly responsive to therapy. And lets hope everyone around him keeps to strict covid-19 protocols as the last thing he needs right now is to get exposed to the…
I briefly went to one of the Seven Sisters in the early 1980s.
I recently did a rewatch of every season of GBBO and this group, though very nice people, seem to be the least talented. Maybe they didnt get as many applicants as other years because of the covid restrictions?
What about pouding chomeur ( poor man’s pudding) another Quebecois staple?
In my opinion, I dont think the guy playing Thurman really works for that part. He looks he could be Ethelrida’s older brother, rather than her father, and he has no chemistry with Dibrell.
This story could be upsetting if you have experienced sexual assault.
They honor “personal choice” except when it comes to women’s reproductive rights.
Unfortunately, Trump is a cockroach - he’ll probably be one of those people that only gets mild to moderate symptoms, and then based on his personal experience will dismiss it as a serious threat. Damnit.
And where are the UFOs?
Let’s welcome our new Canadian overlords
Yay Catherine O’Hara!
I am a clinician and with extensive training in health economics - there are so very many problems with the US health care system especially around equitable access to care -BUT - lack of access to high quality, affordable care does not appear to have been the problem in this case per the article in the Albuquerque…
Great compilation of Mrs Peel in action
Even worse when some of those anti-sex ed, anti-abortion people are women. I just do not understand their desire to control other women’s reproductive rights.
Is the bad thing that went away Richie or Janice?