
Eulogies are rarely nuanced. We usually forget the worst of people and see only their greatness.

Last thing I ever need to see is Michael Palin, arguably the most cheerful man in history, cry.

“This, after Harry lost his own mother, who had to deal with similar treatment and ended up losing her life—and this was without the added element of virulent racism.”

Saw it last night. A few thoughts:

“which included prowling on their knees, nuzzling each other, smelling each other and rolling around.”

And Hugh Grant dunking on Piers Morgan yesterday is what I’d have gone with for the celebrity section.

You could’ve just asked people in the breakroom - educated, reasonably informed multiracial group of millennial people on the left - why they didn’t support her for president. They didn’t - we didn’t. “Kamala is a cop” was widely understood to be shorthand referencing her prosecutorial record instead of just a low-info

Hell yeah we do. Wait, was that supposed to be an insult? 

Nonsense. Melania knows how to raise children. After all, the greatest principle in Melania’s life is that she may not harm, nor allow by inaction to come to harm, a human being. The second-greatest principle in Melania’s life is that she must obey all orders given to her by a human being, unless such orders would

A lot of it probably stems from her estranged brother murdering several of her friends and attacking her on Halloween night when she was still in high school

I burned through “Catch and Kill” in a day, and I’m still incredibly irritated by the whiny non- review this site gave that book. Farrow’s concern for the victims was apparent the whole way through, and the shit they all took trying to get that story told was gut wrenching.

I guess defending Bill “Epstein-associated” Clinton against sexual assault and rape allegations should not be the hill one is willing to die on. Fuck these monsters (or maybe don't).


Thanks for the review. I think a lot of the commenters here are missing the point. I am grateful for his work, but what Ronan Farrow went through in this process is just not as important as what the actual women who were victimized by Weinstein went through. So I’m not going to waste my time reading his story! I

He did a great interview on Fresh Air last week.

Two years ago, I got severely, awfully sick (probably the flu). I didn’t go to work for the entire week. It was all I could do just to keep myself drinking liquids and soup and shuffling to bed. The worst part was my husband was traveling for business, so I was all alone, just me and our sweet black cat Libby.

I say this without a hint of snark: I didn’t know Rip was still with us and I’m sorry to hear he’s gone. I am of the age that I remember him as a flamboyant curiosity during his numerous TV appearances in the ‘70s and, even though I knew at a young age that it was a good bit of schtick, he seemed to be enjoying

Can this be filed to “news that’s not shocking at all”.

I was so hoping somebody would mention this. It was a great episode toward the end of the Lennie Briscoe era of L&O (the original and still the best L&O).

What’s the deal with statutes of limitation?