
I’m not sorry, I’ll say it. If you feel you want/need to raise a child then you can raise any of the hundreds of thousands of children in the US foster system or any of the other millions of parent-less children around the world. You don’t need to rent out some woman like an incubator just so you can get a little copy

Beers for me.

Controlling women (and silencing them by branding them felons and taking away their voting rights and ability to work), and funneling their offspring through the poverty cycle and into for-profit prisons.

These people don’t care about the experiences, stories, pain, or plans of women. They also don’t give a flying fuck about babies or children. They care about controlling women. That’s it.

Doria looks stunning.

An old college friend is a huge supporter of (and acquaintance of) Williamson and credits her with giving him “limitless thinking” that allowed him to attain his success. Yet somehow I suspect it may have had more to do with his upper-middle class background, socially well-connected and emotionally supportive parents,

What we need in response is a total transformation, both of ourselves and our society.

Freddie Mercury met Mary Austin in 1969 and they dated and were friends for 22 years until his death in 1991 and he left a significant chunk of his estate to her. He met Jim Hutton in the 1980s, didn’t get along at the start, then they dated for his last seven years. Hutton and Mercury did not spend 20 years together

Depression is SO HARD. It is SO MUCH WORK. It’s like everyone else is just jogging along on the treadmill in their cute little outfits, watching The Bachelor, and you’re running a marathon in mud up to your knees with shoes made of cement in the freezing cold pouring rain.

RIP Albert Finney. Always superb, always sexy, and always worth watching. In some of my favorite of his performances (there are at least a dozen more), here he is with the cream of the crop of leading ladies (and one gentleman, with whom he played house in two films)

One body was recovered after several days. They had to fly to the opposite side of the island with the helicopter to distract the islanders and then fly back real fast and dig the body up and get it inside. When they tried to repeat the trick to get the second body the Sentinelese split up and showered the helicopter

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

Not sure if anyone outside of Boston would know this man, but back in ‘96, while at a Red Sox game at Fenway, my seat neighbor was former Boston Symphony Orchestra conductor Seiji Ozawa (pic included). We were halfway through the game when my friend poked me and said, “Hey, isn’t that guy next to you someone famous?”.

Now playing

Meghan gave a speech on the 125th anniversary of womens’s suffrage in NZ which was probably the more important thing she did yesterday than making that girl lose it

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I can’t believe more people aren’t talking about Buster Keaton. Without a doubt one of the most talented performers of all times. His stunts were so dangerous I seriously doubt they’d legally allow them be to done today.

If Dems do not take the House then without a doubt the Republicans cheated in some way. If that happens we should seriously consider ending the current government. California, Pacific Northwest, New York, New England, and reasonable Midwest states should simply band together and run the country themselves. If the deep

“...he is not fit to sit on the Supreme Court.”

This entire spectacle is such a cynical shitshow. The republicans running the SJC all dont give a shit about Brett Kavanaugh. Trump doesnt give a shit about Brett Kavanaugh. They couldnt care less that he lied to their faces, they couldnt care less that he was a piece of shit as a teenager, as an adult, as a white

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Ah, I accidentally replied to the main article. Oh well, I’ll post everywhere because I’m grey and nobody will know...

She and Anthony Bourdain had a big fight the night he killed himself. She posted passive-aggressive stuff about it. It makes me wonder if he found out about this. He had stood beside her so staunchly. I can only imagine how it would feel to find out she had paid off someone she had abused.

Is this part of the cycle of