
From NYT: “Ms. Argento, who lives in Rome, subsequently turned to Ms. Goldberg — a prominent lawyer for victims of online attacks — to handle the case. (Mr. Hofstetter is now handling the estate of Mr. Bourdain, who killed himself in June. Although Mr. Bourdain helped Ms. Argento navigate the matter, neither Mr.

I have a darker take. As soon as they met on that movie, they started making the beast with two backs because as you know, super beautiful people either want to fight each other or screw each other.

I thought I had taken crazy pills. Which would be weird cause I can’t swallow pills. Surely I can’t have been the only one never to have heard of this.

I live near Boston, so this is especially hard for me to admit: Yankees fans, you did a Good Thing. Your team still sucks.

I worked on this show. I posted here back in November about Jeffery and Mitch and their abusive behavior and how someone needs to do some digging on Arrested Development, especially the 2 Netflix seasons(4,5), which were particularly difficult and harmful on both cast and crew, like really difficult and harmful, even

1 - Female

Abusive fiancé : I’ll kill you

“Alright, Mr. Cohen. Your kilt will be ready on Thursday.”

Have you really read the court proceedings? Because the Yale New Haven Team found there was no evidence for sexual abuse , the psychologists that were seeing Dylan and Satchel ( now Ronan) did not believe there was abuse and even the Psychiatrist that Mia Farrow had testify was uncertain if any abuse took place. The

But the court documents had the judge saying they would never know what happened that day (of the accused molestation.) And the doctors’ report (that the judge discounts) say there was no abuse and Dylan was coached.

Look, Mabel was in the middle of cleaning the whole bathroom! CHESS HAD ONE JOB.

Or “You Just Don’t Under-Sand Me.”

I can’t believe a corporate entity allowed this to not only air, but to lead off their big, self-congratulatory show piece and wash away the fantasy that sports exist in a compartment separate from the rest of society.

It was a powerful message and brought tears to my eyes.

Now playing

There are much, much better (and more Kate Bush-esque) Siouxsie and the Banshees songs than Hong Kong Garden... May I recommend Cascade:

OMG, Ryan Reynolds’ face in that picture.

At this point I would not be surprised if both Depp and Heard were abusive to each other. I think that lies and half-truths are coming from both sides. I have a small bet with myself, that when this goes to court, Depp releases photos showing where he was bruised by Amber.

i have a feeling all the people who know him as ‘sweet and gentle’ know sober johnny depp. like i can believe he was never violent with vanessa and when not drinking and drugging he is a good person. but he spent his whole relationship with amber fucked up and was probably a completely different and terrible person