
When I was a child I saw an episode of Jeopardy that said you should never bet the devil your soul, so naturally I started betting my soul using my inner monologue on the outcome of various mundane tasks and scaring the shit out of myself. I'm pretty sure Lucifer will greet me in the afterlife, reminding me that I've

The golden age of emo is from the late 90's! Jawbreaker, Christie Front Drive, Texas is the Reason, Get Up Kids.

Have any of you read the disqus comments on that website, especially for the original article? It's like Bizarro A.V. Club. Those are some scary brotherfuckers.

Reread it. Dorne… terrible dialog, meandering plot, useless sand snakes, remember?

I totally disagree with "smarter" and "better" when it comes to the tv show… Here is the rare case where we get to experience an awesome work of fiction on two different planes, both can be savored. Can you really say the show is smarter after the Dorne arc and "the bad pussy?" Can you really say leaner is better if

I think my problem with the fight scenes is that the show makes Jessica too strong or weak at times just for the sake of plot and it suffers for it. The worst offender was when Robyn knocked out Jessica with a board. Why did she even bring the board? How can Jessica fight with Luke and not get knocked out but she

I often will say in a deadpan voice: "I went the wrong way." Or if there is a trivial decision I don't have time to make: "Dammit, it's too late to fly back!"


"…if they happen to link two sketches together, that’s just gravy." Let me tell you about Pope Leipold the IV, he LOVED gravy.

Taking all I can eat… just for the halibut.

A puppet doing a lewd and lascivious fandango on the lap of a full grown man???

As a binge watcher of Spartacus in 2015, now awaiting season 6 of GoT, I came to the table too late but I've loved this show.

The league of assassins is so comically inept at killing anybody on this show. The basic formula is the team intrudes, kills a bunch of henchman, get thwarted, then let go… Rinse and repeat. The show has been to that particular Lazarus Pit too many times and now it's dried out.

I don't think we lose either. Like the reviewer presupposes and this episode dollops with foreshadowing, Reverse Flash is winding up Eddie for his eventual sacrifice. That means no more Eobard… but what I don't get is why Eddie doesn't just either get a vasectomy or will himself never to have any kids. Probably

It was also a nice and unexpected move when the cop that told him to shut up was actually the one in his pocket, as opposed to the seemingly more understanding one.

Weakest? Maybe. I disagree with the reviewer especially on the fight scene between Fisk and Daredevil… I had to rewind and rewatch that scene just to savor it again, especially with Fisk hurling the titular hero into the side of a dumpster. That was just fantastic that a villain that well developed would not go down

During every Flash episode where something goes down: "Gideon, show me the future!" During this episode where Wells should be the most paranoid man on earth: "…"

He really reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite, except he throws back beer instead of gatorade.

Yeah, the guy is stabbed through the abdomen, dragged around the room, beaten senseless, survives a multi story drop into a river, is then able to swim and walk back to his apartment from who knows where without being spotted or bleeding out… and the mask staying on is the confusing part?

I also think the reviewer missed some decent story beats here… for instance Fisk doesn't pick a suit, he picks the same suit. He doffs the same shirt and the same cufflinks, eats the same omelet the same way everyday. The other clothing is there to provide the illusion of choice, that Fisk is a man of taste in his