
The very first zombie tried to use a rock to smash Barbara's car window.

Winners don't use drugs. Also, terrorists are losers.

Bob says, right before the commercial starts: "Jimmy is my name, and advertising is my game…" which was a direct reference to "Larry is my name and insurance is my game… raping was another game of mine - wait. Hello?"

I just played it on my Genesis last month and the gameplay holds up so well… even split screen.


It was a fresh break from that dictater, Trump.

He just wants Justice for all the Barbs thrown at him. Sad!

Princess Caroline! Oh wait, that's John Hammerhead Shark.

Anyone notice the drastic difference between the regular wonderful AV Club commenters and the Facebook gestapo, who are commenting up a storm about how awful this child and his parents are? As if today was not depressing enough.

In Charlotte, NC you can find bands like Wolves and Wolves and Wolves and Wolves playing at the world famous Milestone. (which is a hell of a joint)

Another leaked scene shows Gendry, Tyrion, and Davos all kickin' it like some mismatched boy band

** Caldiero is part of the Wolfpack with all the other "Ninja veterans" like Dory, and Arnold, etc who do train all year round.

Is that Moleman perfume you are wearing?

I screamed so loudly at the beginning of this episode I think my neighbors thought I was being murdered.


Hey, it's not his fault he got roped in!

Man, they really screwed the pooch on House Umber… or did House Umber screw the pooch? I get so confused.

No. But you can watch comfortably knowing your children won't be abducted, then shipped off to a Pakistani whorehouse, where they will spend the rest of their lives in homoerotic servitude.

This review is borderline awful to me, especially the last paragraph. How can anyone who has to review this show for a living be surprised that they keep milking material from the same teat of suspense? Why write over and over how you don't care about everything? The show uses the same formula, introduce

Who is it versus? I mean, who are we doing it versus?