
I smell a Wynn Duffy spinoff… or is that tanning lotion?

If Mance had ever gone Westerosi Idol on us with a lute even once, I would have held out hope he was still alive by magic… But as such, he will remain the North's greatest undiscovered musical talent.

What about when Daryl died and everybody rioted?


Just with Manderly "Pork" Pies

DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS? It's a box of big black dildos.

FUCK! This little motherfucker is tasty!

I'm wetter than I've ever been… and I'm from Canada!

Let Thomas do it himself this time.

Cigarette smoking man now vapes, equally douchy.

'W' stands for Wolves. There are several scenes throughout the season when you can see graffiti that reads "Wolves not far" or other assorted ominous claptrap, on walls at Shirewilt or in one case briefly on the side of a barn that Michonne is looking at during the episode Tyreese died.

See! This is exactly the kind of snark I expect from AVClub commenters, it even put a smile on my racist face.

It's great to see that even snarky AVClub commenters can still stoop to the low brow level of every hater that can sign onto to badmouth my alma mater.

That's exactly how I read the end scene. It's not some weirdo trying to hold hands with a zombie after narrowly avoiding a random homicide… It's Rick getting in touch with his survival side. Constable Rick and Ricktator are both on display, and that scene screams the latter of what you said in that first paragraph;

EASTER EGG! The sign above Rick's head as he walked down the street clearly read "Morgan St"


I thought it was more significant than that… the stolen gun symbolized the side of Rick that was unattached to this community and not infatuated with Jessie. It's clear during the party that the idea of safety and community, of fitting in, appealed to Rick. That was why he hesitated in taking the gun in the first

Me too! But I think the reviewer missed the most crucial role the mail robot has ever played… since it no longer carries classified files, Martha cannot get any new info to Clark, like the original poster pointed out. This means that the Mail Robot could be the cause of Martha's death down the line!

Never mind the fact that it costs around $100 a day to house someone in a county jail, that's 9 grand that could have likely been used to train better Spanish teachers.

I find the line funnier if you read it as sweet ass-biscuits.