
Yup, I literally want to own every single one of these.

This is not Nagano, there are rules!

I've side-eyed Tara Lipinski since she won the gold medal, but this puts her way back on my good side. Well done, lady.

Obviously, she's not a golfer.

Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

You want a toeloop? I can get you a toeloop. There are ways.

It really tied the rink together.

But that all changed after a male student followed her into the girls' bathroom on multiple occasions, charging that if she had the right to be in there, so did he.

Dudes. How is this surprising? He's from a family of aristocrats and pretty much all of them had slaves at one point. This is not news. What would be news is if he/his family offered some sort of recompense to the families' descendents. And/or gave their wealth to anti-trafficking efforts, prison abolition causes, etc.

Well, there goes my Sherlock and Rihanna slash fiction.

100% done with him.

Yesterday (I think) someone remarked how 'strong' is never used in the same way when speaking about men as it is when complimenting women. Men are strong by default but it is an exceptional quality in women. That is some first grade bullshit right there. Humans, please understand that women are exactly the same as men

It's true. I became a prostitute after watching Mary Poppins:

I don't exactly ship it, because I rarely even ship fictional characters. But if that was a thing that happened, I would squee a little.

I'm a huge Hiddleston fan, and I will openly admit that the Henrys were not the strongest part of that series. Ben Whishaw absolutely killed it in Richard II. I like the Henry plays, but they got sort of dragged down by Falstaff, who is way over the top, and Jeremy Irons, who godzilla'd his way through his lines.

I think they were Complicated-with-a-capital-C for a while, and now they're just friends. If I remember my Office gossip.

Are they still together?? Too lazy to google.

They dated, or are they dating? Because that chemistry was palpable.