
Were those two crabs eating AND fucking at the same time? Multi-tasking WIN.

Your name, I get it.

That CD was the CD of my entire 13 year old life.

Good Lord on a Broken Bicycle. I'D FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT THIS.

I now ship Allie Brosh and Benedict Cumberbatch. If you get this joke, come sit with me in the true Internet Nerd corner.

That's where I would curl up too, if I had my druthers. Ride on, kittens.

YOU. You can have all the Internetz today.


I love Ilana Glazer's hair. And Fred Armison.

Her bone structure makes me weep in indignant + impotent Eastern European rage.

Kristi Yamaguchi or GTFO.

That's what I want too. The way he looks at her punches me in the solar plexus of my feels.

These girls need a director to tell them to stop staring at me, stat.

ELEMENTARY is actually one of the best things about Network TV. Everyone on that show slays it, constantly.

To this day, and for the rest of my life, Kristi Yamaguchi has a special, unadulterated place of pure, uncut bedazzled joy in my heart. Nothing Will Ever Change That.

For God's Sakes, Elsa, just be cool with your sister's marrying choices and Let It Go.

There's no way in hell this man doesn't practice in front of a mirror. Nobody's that cool/sexy.

I'm just saying Hiddleston needs to think ahead a little more. I think we can all agree on that score.

Holy terrible fashion things, Batman. Good call, Hiddleston.