
Exactly exactly exactly. I’m dumbfounded how many idiots fawn all over Obama but call Clinton an evil bitch because of her decisions that were ultimately handed down by President Obama. By idiots I’m not referring to the GOP but rather, the Bernie-now-Stein fanatics who apparently don’t know anything about how

I don’t even understand the email thing. Like, she had a private server. Okay. Didn’t Colin Powell do that too?

A woman who was large and in charge.

she is guilty of treason of being a woman.

The irony is that the GOP cut funding for embassy protection in the many austerity driven budgets prior to this happening.

Because she didn’t do something wrong. He also publicly admonished a grown ass woman and statesman like she was a five year old, to try to embarrass and humiliate her. He also is the one that broke the dann law here nor her.

She is not the lesser of two evils. Stop using false equivalency. One is a narcissistic business man, who is so genuinely ignorant it’s dangerous, who only entered the race to get back at people and promote his brand. The other is a woman who had faced over twenty years of bullshit that would have broken a lesser

In what way is Bill Clinton a current or future leader?

What I mean to say is: fuck off, you transparent trash troll.

You can’t spell and you claim to have some sort of crystal ball regarding how Secretary Clinton is involved in Weiner’s divorce. I smell Trump Trash. Fuck the fuck off.

Was Clinton not investigated, impeached, and ultimately found not guilty, even by a man - and a Congress - who hated his guts and did everything they could to bring him down? They couldn’t do it. Millions of dollars, years of investigation by people who WANTED him gone, and it all added up to nothing.

Sorry, but I’m with Bill Maher: Fuck that false-equivalency, “lesser of two evils” bullshit.

One guy is a serial sexual assaulter, liar, and racist. But Hillary sent some emails incorrectly.

I don’t think it was a parody. It looked like actresses on a set spending some down time filming a video of them ALL having fun doing a music video of their favorite song. Holy nickel the outrage is weird.

Yes. Amy Schumer and co. did this video between takes on her “real” project “Mother/Daughter.” I’m guessing Schumer didn’t put a whole lot of thought into it. It’s just her and her friends having a little laugh and dancing to a song they like. Period.

Not to take sides here, but this is a particularly silly take considering she was on set of her movie (i.e., original content).

Not tearing anyone down. I believe I called her gorgeous with a beautiful voice. Saying I don’t care for her music is not a crime. That’s exactly the blind devotion I can’t understand. She is not the Second Coming. God blesses me enough every day, thanks.

Regardless of what you think of Amy Schumer she is definitely not irrelevant.

“Only for the professionally offended.”

This video is dumb as shit and obtuse. But offensive and warranting of outrage? Only for the professionally offended.

I know this is incredibly difficult for the writers at Jezebel (and many commenters) to understand, but, Beyoncé is just a woman who sings a couple catchy songs. That’s it. Just some woman with a good voice that none of us knows personally. Commence the gnashing of your teeth and screaming how wrong I am.