
You’re not wrong, but a flawed beginning is better than no beginning at all. No social justice / human rights movement has ever been an intersectional masterpiece from it’s earliest days, and most still aren’t.

I’m proud my parents chose to raise us in the Unitarian Universalist church, because every time I dig around in feminist/anti-fascist/gay rights/civil rights history, there’s always a few Unitarians standing up for what’s right. We are not many, but we have had some amazing people share our banner.

we’re driving up. Can’t miss it

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

That’s because his racism and xenophobia are more for show than anything, they win him points with the true believers. His disdain for women is directly related to the fact that he sees them only as trophies to mark his status amongst his peers. And trophies are to be seen and not heard.

I mean, before I even read this, it’s because she is the kind of woman that makes Trump uncomfortable and angry: a woman who doesn’t give a single flying fuck about the male gaze and his gaze the very least.

You’re an irresponsible moron.

“And last, but certainly not least, its the way the primaries were stolen from Bernie.”

Go fuck yourself.

I think you dance around the issue with this portion of your comment:

Well you see her main problem is that she isn’t the proud owner of a penis.

I truly think it’s her gender. There is no other possible explanation.

I love how people are often surprised that while I liked Bernie more when I voted for him (I did sour on him in March and April) I also have nothing against Clinton and think she’s fine too. Like, yeah, she’s cool, I’ve been studying up on her since I was a kid, and she is going to kick the evil twinkie’s ass.

They’re also included in the rich-kids-doing-humanities-PhDs demographic. I’m in grad school right now and couple of holier-than-thou colleagues who somehow think the revolution will be brought about by writing esoteric bs about narrative in English literature were whining. I couldn’t wear my damn Clinton t-shirt to

I was SO nervous about this all day. I *might* even have been kind of a jerk to my husband when he got home 30 minutes into this thing & wanted to chat. But holy shit, Hillz did us proud.

You can be a Hillary supporter and you don’t have to preface it with the hipster “not my first choice...” Bernie is dunzo. He has been dunzo. Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

Nope. Misogyny is there. Stop doing it.

Here we go with the misogyny and bigotry. Clinton is not her husband. She had literally NO HAND in voting or creating that legislation.

Their willingness to compromise on crime legislation was one of the worst parts of their centrism.

You know that one person can’t represent “Americans” right?