
I don’t criticize them. I think they are cool!

This guy is a case study in why people from Maine prefer only to deal with New Hampshire when it comes time to buy cheap booze or to pass through as quickly as possible on the way to Boston.

And then we criticize her “boxy” outfits that she has to wear to accommodate her bullet proof vest.

Ms. Clinton suffers from a congenital birth defect. As someone who was also born with this, which is so often stigmatized and swept under the rug, I think it’s time people start talking about it to draw back the curtain and draw attention to it. Let’s talk about it, people! It’s not disgusting! It’s not shameful! It

If you mean John Oliver then you can show yourself out!!! He is a goddamn treasure and your opinion is wrong!!!

Did YOU just graduate high school? Seriously, with your “I’m not your personal search engine” bit. Calm down.

I’m sorry, but this a completely irrational and unreasonable interpretation of the statement “victims have a right to be believed.” That statement does not mean that no one anywhere should ever believe in an accused rapist’s innocence, it means that all victims have the right to have their stories taken seriously by

She was the first FLOTUS with a law degree, and she was well-known in the field and quite accomplished in her own right before Bill took them to foggy bottom; having her do what she was good at for the administration seemed like a good idea. And she had no fucking idea beforehand that Moynihan would retire and that he

The right to be believed doesn’t dictate personal behavior. It’s a standard for police investigation and public reporting - the idea that any alleged rape is likely true and should be investigated and the victim supported. It doesn’t mean that a woman must believe the word of a stranger over that of her husband and

I think the unwritten assumption there is “pending further investigation.” False accusations do definitely happen, although very, very rarely obviously, and if, after looking at the evidence, or lack thereof, it seems more probable that nothing happened, it’s not as if we should go on blindly believing the accuser

The accusation of rape and intimidation bu HRC is from *1978* Do you need help with the math?

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

Yup. And everyone seems to be angrier at Hillary for all of this than the man actually accused of rape. Until that stops being the case, I refuse to let the alleged actions of Hillary’s husband impact my opinion of her as a candidate. And she is still by far the best candidate in this election.

It’s puzzling to me how many people are acting like this is new information. Or like Hilary Clinton is somehow more responsible for Bill Clinton’s behavior than Bill Clinton is.

I’m skeptical because she seems angrier at Hillary than at the man who allegedly raped her and that shit doesn’t sit well with me. I’m skeptical because she has contradicted herself so many times, and seems to only come out of the woodwork when Hillary is running for something. I’m skeptical because she doesn’t seem

How is the wife of someone who cheats supposed to act? Public figure or not, this is a unique space. The idea that Hillary would embrace women who fucked her husband — while knowing she was married to him — is inconceivable. Broaddrick is the only example of a woman who has claimed to be raped by Clinton. Affairs are

No, but she does have a lifelong history of public service. It’s interesting to me that the perception is that HRC took on Universal Healthcare because she wanted the power that came with it, and not because she was genuinely interested in using her abilities to actually help people. Personally, I believe she was

You can’t know what’s going on with them, though. That’s the thing. HIS career suffered no serious setbacks because of the allegations, yet guilt by association is apparently enough to tank the career his wife (who has not, as far as I know, ever been accused of rape)?? They’re not actually the same person. Meanwhile,

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

“Ambition is to Hillary what silver was to Judas”