Bindar Dunit

I thought it was more like she was in it to GTFO of Eastern Europe.

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.

yeah....truly. I sorta remember a couple of dictators like Guatemala’s Gen Efraim Rios Montt and Gen Pinochet...responsible for the torture and genocide of thousands of “their” population that were ‘nearly’ prosecuted, but their ‘age’ (and US rightwing evangelical pals) got them off scott free in their 80s...never

Splendor in the Grass... Loved that movie. And Gypsy! Brilliant actress.

There’s always room for the turtle - that’s what the box is for.

Look at the Brits and their handling of Operation Midland. Especially Greville Janner. Didn’t prosecute him because he was “suffering from dementia,” but went on to vote 200+ times in parliament before dying without serving a day in a jail

If you ever get a chance, see ‘Inside Daisy Clover’. It’s one of her lesser-known films, I think, but it’s a real delight.

Oh, that makes even more sense! I hadn’t heard that theory before. Thanks for sharing it.

I want justice for everyone, because I’m silly that way. I know we don’t live in a just world. But if it happens, I’m ok with that.

Part of the problem is that “Person of Interest” is really a inflammatory nonsense term that doesn’t really have any legal meaning - “While terms such as suspect, target, and material witness have clear and sometimes formal definitions, person of interest remains undefined by the U.S. Department of Justice.” So the

I too have no idea what really happened and would be surprised by nothing, but the dinghy thing seems plausible to me because I don’t think she was trying to row away. The theory I remember was that she got out of bed because it was banging against the hull near where she was sleeping. She put a coat over her

I have no idea if he did it or not, but her death wasn’t originally ruled a murder, but an accident. The theory was that she had gone to bed while Wagner and Walken stayed up after a fight. The dinghy was knocking against the boat so she got up to move it (hence the pjs and coat) and fell overboard in the process. The

And you shouldn’t be let go because your former Vice President pardons you.

So, it took all of 30 years to come to this conclusion that her husband might have done it? When most murdered women are killed by their husbands/partners/ex partners/lovers/etc? He should have been a person of interest right off the bat, regardless. And someone heard the couple fighting and then 15 minutes later

Not likely. By most accounts, Walken and Wagner didn’t like each other.

If the German court says the 96 year old Bookkeeper of Auschwitz, Oskar Gröning, is fit for prison, young whippersnapper celebs in their 80s who pass the health exam can handle it too.


Occam’s razor would say that it’s drowning since accidental deaths are far, far more common and easily explained than a murder and cover-up.

I read a book by the coroner who did Natalie Wood’s autosopy (“Coroner” by Thomas Noguchi), and he discussed this case in detail. Now, the book came out in the 1980s, so maybe more information has become available since then, but in the book, the coroner states that he believes Wood’s death was accidental. I read the

I have no idea if Wagner was involved in her death, so I’m not trying to defend him here, but upper-body bruises and abrasions don’t seem inconsistent with an accidental drowning if she was desperately trying to climb into the dinghy. Seems like I heard about the bruises earlier and that was the official