Hey forqish....that was LARRY Nasser not the other long dead head of state!
Hey forqish....that was LARRY Nasser not the other long dead head of state!
You mean like OJSimpson did? are his and Nicole’s children wrecked?
yeah....truly. I sorta remember a couple of dictators like Guatemala’s Gen Efraim Rios Montt and Gen Pinochet...responsible for the torture and genocide of thousands of “their” population that were ‘nearly’ prosecuted, but their ‘age’ (and US rightwing evangelical pals) got them off scott free in their 80s...never…
Were you in your late 40s also? isn’t that just something someone without any life experience would do AND learn from ? (unless they were substance abusers)..
Oh Billy Billy Billy....you’ll never amount to anything if you keep smoking blunts.
ALAS ....no stroke kids.....you see, not only has he lost his mind ...he lost his lower DENTURES...my thanks to Mrs Betty Bowers for pointing out that last slurp of his as need for POLIGRIP.!!!
That is a “roger”... during her term in House she DID have major COI...she has learned nothing but obfuscate and deny. She ought to fit in well with the rest of the Trump gang.
Perhaps the baby powder is the LEAST of “honest” problems...a few months ago I read that the “food” alleged to be organic contained GM products ...so as always, I strongly advise shoppers to READ LABELS!! and become familiar with what foods are at risk to humans...(GM wheat, soy, corn and more...) shopping for USDA…