Yeah, it is weird but they did a really good job. He looks alot like his sprite and the 3Dness works well for him.
Yeah, it is weird but they did a really good job. He looks alot like his sprite and the 3Dness works well for him.
Er, actually I was thinking more Yuna. I heard she had trouble with the syncing (or lack there of) so a redub would be to smooth out problems. (maybe they can fix the syncing this time?) But I do like James Arnold Taylor so I'm looking forward to hearing him as Tidus outside of Dissidia.
While I would like a VI remake (among others) I'm actually very happy with this. I haven't played X yet so this would be a good chance to pick it up. I think it will be interesting to see how they upgrade it, what (if anything) will change and for me to experience the story for the first time. Who knows, they may…
Promoted ^_^
Looking for cute/funny vids to cheer up a friend. I've put in some puppies, kittens, and Lydia but anyone have anything else?
Oh for goodness sakes. Girls =/= marriage, babies, and fashion. And pink. Girls do no equal pink.
(takes a deep breath)
Er... yeah. That is creepy. Maybe due to oil rig accidents or dolphin issues?
It's working now. It was worse... virus. I thought I had security when I didn't. IE was working so I grabbed some security and am running a scan now.
My home computer won't connect to the internet (this is my laptop). Troubleshooting says there is no problem. Obviously there is.
More people need to read this.
I'm a bit of a brony (DARN YOU KOTAKU AND WHOEVER LINKED ME TO THE FIRST EPISODE!... and yet I still like it) and I found out at least 4 of my friends are bronies so I decided to surprise them by drawing their OC's as ponies.
Ever try Grimspace? I ended up REALLY enjoying it.
From what I heard, that was a glitch. It's not a game breaker (just annoying) so it's not worth the trouble to fix it. Alot of games do something similar.
They are having their own conference later, so you will get info! Just at a later date.
TGS is coming up...
Yeah, that's about mine too. Level grinding and side quests are great!
My birthday was today. One brother bought me duodecim, until he went into my room and saw my copy out... poor guy. The other brother got me a sketch book and Stan Lee (and others) guide to comic making! Considering how I wanted to work on my art skills that was a great gift.
I was an english major, my politics roommates read for leisure more then I did! (In other words, I feel you)