It's a hoax.
It's a hoax.
Hmm... thought I saw One Winged Angel Sephy in the background of the studio. Boss Material? If not, then Hades. He seems to be a big part.
Fantom Comics, just a subway's ride away. I'd go there every month to pick up Darkwing Duck until I graduated and had to move. The people working there were always nice, had time for a newbie like myself, and when I asked for a comic for my baby brother, they gave me Tiny Titans. And I swear reading Tiny Titans to…
Final Fantasy VI: It has Cyan. His story automatically puts it on here. If you need more details, you have to play it since me summarizing it would NOT do it justice.
Why does no one else love Birds of Prey. Their first arc(of the DCnU) is wrapping up this week. So far it's been great, I love everyone, and people are ignoring it.
Nope, stop it with my body so none of the 6 die.
Throw myself on the tracks.
Still doing my blog (
I have read all of it, and other then saying you might want to look into Heterromantic Demisexuality or grey Ace's, I'm going to just answer your questions. (please note that all of these are for ME. Other asexuals are different. We are a very varied bunch of people)
I personally haven't listened, but I heard the English(UK) Dub is pretty good.
Quantum Leap? (runs around in fangirl squeals)
ANY two people, they just have to have an aromantic asexual relationship. (Heck, one of my ships is a Zucchini ship. They live together in the same house, share a bed, but if anyone called them a couple the two would be very creeped out since they really don't think of each other in that way.... in fact, both are…
I haven't but that's more due to a personal dislike of way too open world games and grey and grey morality. Also, I'm broke.
Sometimes, I wish I could promote starred people.
Nah, that's fine. Thanks. ^_^
just doing a mini poll for my blog.