
No, the salesman wasn't. But this guy seems like him, only evil. (at least to me)

Does the narrator creep anyone else out? I'm getting a "Salesman from Aladdin only evil" vibe.

They have Syberia at least. Let me look

On the last level of Beyond Good and Evil

hop onto I'm sure you can find some games on there. I know they have Zork and Myst.

Question (serious one) do you teach rhetoric? Or are often involved with it?

(looks at the achievements)

But that is just me. Others adore her.

So it really is just games?

Really? Yeah, weird. So they don't mind people watching video (which is ALOT of bandwith) but more texty games websites are blocked?

Finally played some more Beyond Good and Evil yesterday. Wow that game is good. I'm finally mostly caught up to where I left off on my GOG version. The graphics are a bit dated but they really did a good job with making the world seem alive. I mean, random characters are her friends! She asks one person why he's

Is it just Video Game stuff? Try other things and see what is blocked. No matter what, it's still censorship but if it's just video game stuff... that's really weird.

Really? Well, congrats!

Yes, it's the actual act. It just REALLY creeps me out and disturbs me. (And, no, I don't play shooters)

My birthday is coming up. I'm turning 22.

Portable Persona 4? YAY!!! Now I can finally give Persona a shot!

They can not fight. If they did, the universe would explode under manly awesomeness.