I do have halfminute hero (LOVE IT!!) and I do mean to pick up the others (And Persona 1 and 2) along with WildARMS XF. But I also apparently need to pick up Crisis Core...
I do have halfminute hero (LOVE IT!!) and I do mean to pick up the others (And Persona 1 and 2) along with WildARMS XF. But I also apparently need to pick up Crisis Core...
Yep. And the original. Should keep me busy, and currently it's my only working non SE game which is GREAT for me. SE gave the PSP alot of love, which means it's a little hard to find other games there... (in other words, I'm sick of Duodecim and I beat BBS twice. Trying to give your PSP love as a college student…
So, got Dracula X for my PSP yesterday.
I don't watch it. I just haven't had time to actually sit down and watch it. All those shows up there are ones I can vouch for seeing them (except legend of Korra for obvious reasons).
Neither is Phineas and Ferb ;)
Yep. I'm not completely sold on it, but I will say it's good. Just not completely my cup of tea.
My Little Pony
This isn't gaming, but as an animation/cartoon fan... it's really nice to see a resurgence, especially around "Cartoon Network"
Killing the days until my copy of Dracula X shows up.
right now I can't afford dirt cheap. Just thought I would mention it.
Well, more PSP. If you can hold onto them for a bit, I can pay you for them once I get a job.
Really? Both names are kinda stupid, but "Aerith" sounds better. (To be honest, all of their names are stupid but Vincent's) But it just depends what you prefer, right?
Which do you have? Mind sending some over. My PSP has very few games.
I hate job searching.
I KNOW! I've been following it for a while. IT IS SO GOOD... (salivates) and next week is Heavy Rain! And (on her twitter feed) she's said she wants to do more foreign ones if she can... (squees at the distant possibility of Yoko Shimomura)
The book is out of print, but pick it up from the library if you can. I tried watching the movie, but didn't have time.
No, I won't. Sorry, I don't like emulating.
Finished single player and working through co-op. It's kinda hard when you don't get much chance to sit down to play it.