
yes, I got it through Amazon! Along with an 8 gig PSP memory card (like new.) but I also somehow got a 10 dollars shipping fee? I'm REALLY annoyed at the ten dollar shipping. I'd do five or seven, but ten!!!! Now I only have seven dollars left for a book or a game... But no games for 7 dollars (boo)

I honestly have no idea. (I HAVE BOOKS THOUGH!) But next weekend?

I think Slagorthian named his girl "Aeris". Me... I'm not. I mean, I love games but I'd rather give names that have meaning rather then gaming names.

(looks at games she's not playing) Eh, I might end up doing that to make my 3DS eventual purchase cheaper. I mean... mine broke so I'm just borrowing my brothers.

I think that's partly why mom has her "No M games or shooters" rule. Unfortunately for her, I have a soft spot for Bioshock... which I can't play until I get my own house (though I could get it for the PSP when that comes out....) but, I do get where your coming from. Otherwise, the "Grittiest" games I own are

FF7 in NYC would be cool.

While, Parasite Eve 1 WAS a demo thing to help them figure out how to do FF8....


I WANT to pick up the LBP welcome back for my PSP but no room.

Ooh, my favorite Final Fantasy.

I haven't played Witcher 2, but FF3 (not 6, III on the DS) was a very good intro into RPG's for me. The story is simple but it has all the basics.

I didn't really use her in my party either (but that was because Tifa was the better fighter) and I was okay with her death scene (though more choked up then I thought) but having her music playing during the boss fight? I almost cried.... then went right back to beating the game and not really thinking about her.

It's heresy, but I don't like Aerith. I thought she was a jerk. SO preferred Tifa. Tifa was actually nice and stuck by everyone. Aerith was flighty and didn't care who she hurt.

NieR. NieR. NieR. NieR.

Which character is your favorite character, but gets no love by other fans (or the company)


Yeah, my family is not very pro modding, or hacking. My dad still doesn't understand freeware (such as GIMP and Open Office. Plus he refuses to use Firefox) And I don't want to cause problems down the line. I would import it (Like my plans for The Last Window, but import + modding is a no go.

I honestly have no idea of the stories of the games, but you know what? I'm a JRPG fan. I play for story. I don't care about graphics, and a the JRPG ridiculous is fun and good.

Here here. Even if I had an xbox, I'd probably go with my PSP's sprites. They give the world so much character.

Hmm... I think I like the sprites better.