(goes to Chocobo rescue to steal that beard)
(goes to Chocobo rescue to steal that beard)
Wasn't KH 3DS or BBS V2 supposed to be at E3?
Really? They were my favorite.
edited. Thanks.
I usually hate talking about Video Game stuff in Off Topic.
We're almost done buying a house for our move in a few weeks.
As a child? The Shadow Temple from Ocarina of Time. That's why I didn't finish the game as a kid.
Dead Pheonix looks like it would have been pretty cool...
Dang it! I had the right idea in the first place...
Playing Portal 2 and I need a hint.
I will. Part of the problem is my family is moving to a new state where we have no contacts.
That's what I've been doing, but I'm an English major.
No extra gaming for me this weekend....
I finished the line art of page 2 today. I'll post the colored one when it's done.
How do you see...
thanks, I'll check it out.
Well, it's not serious for me (at least right now) I just wanted to cross the two groups and thought Comics would work for it. Plus I don't do them and I knew I needed to work on expressions....
I have seen those before, but never done them before. (And those are some cute expressions for Harley) As of right now, I'm mimicing the expression and trying to copy/adapt it. And all of their designs are unique, but none of them are mine (Sigh) maybe later.