
(goes to Chocobo rescue to steal that beard)

Wasn't KH 3DS or BBS V2 supposed to be at E3?

Really? They were my favorite.

edited. Thanks.

I usually hate talking about Video Game stuff in Off Topic.

We're almost done buying a house for our move in a few weeks.

Now playing

As a child? The Shadow Temple from Ocarina of Time. That's why I didn't finish the game as a kid.

Dead Pheonix looks like it would have been pretty cool...

Dang it! I had the right idea in the first place...

Playing Portal 2 and I need a hint.

I will. Part of the problem is my family is moving to a new state where we have no contacts.

That's what I've been doing, but I'm an English major.

No extra gaming for me this weekend....

I finished the line art of page 2 today. I'll post the colored one when it's done.

How do you see...

thanks, I'll check it out.

Well, it's not serious for me (at least right now) I just wanted to cross the two groups and thought Comics would work for it. Plus I don't do them and I knew I needed to work on expressions....

I have seen those before, but never done them before. (And those are some cute expressions for Harley) As of right now, I'm mimicing the expression and trying to copy/adapt it. And all of their designs are unique, but none of them are mine (Sigh) maybe later.