Madame Leota's Balls

This—I can easily see someone mis-interpreting someone directing traffic, even if it is a cop. I had a much more basic run in with a Disney parking lot attendant. I was driving back to our hotel lot with family and he made some vague hand gesture that I interpreted as “go ahead” and was shocked when he ran literally

Just from the clip, I thought this was Route 627 in NJ where it runs up north up from Milford--amazingly similar looking. 

What should have been a 6 hour college-era trip to Cape Cod turned into a 13 hour nightmare from a repeatedly overheating Fiero. Had to stop every 30 or so minutes to find and add fluids once it it cooled down. Friend along for the trip was ready to kill me, even more so when it was later determined during the

I’m sure it was intentional, but the lead photo makes me want to vomit...I mean, an asshole whose mouth looks like an asshole...

I just read this article and almost fell out of my chair—I saw the aftermath of this accident and even saw that the Merc driver was in a wheelchair, but never considered that it might have been this wingnut. I was trying to figure out what happened to cause that much damage to the trooper’s vehicle. Looked like the

Not that I’d ever expect detection tech to work with small animals, but the absolutely worst unpredictable creature in roadways has to be squirrels...back and forth, can’t decide, flip the tail, do a 180, pause...hence the term “squirrely”.

Waiting for the inevitable first damage, whether that’s a door ding caused by some parking lot asshole or a chip in the paint when you accidentally dropped that 10mm ratchet socket [sobbing noises]....

Say waht?

Bradley Beach: if you’ve ever lived or just spent a bit of time there, this story checks out fully.

Agreed with the cost/benefit aspect depending on where you live and how much and the frequency of the snow, but in full agreement with this article. Had a NB Miata and even with all-seasons rated relatively highly for snow it wasfrightening to drive on even a small amount of accumulation. Bought some steelies and

It is an understatement to say this documentary is significantly disturbing—and not just because of what happened but also how everyone responds. It is fascinating to see how each family member (including the abuser) have found their own balancing point between denial and admittance. The grandfather disgusts me, but

Now playing

Odd—they use the actual Blondie Call Me song at the end of the trailer, but didn’t use the official Blondie Llámame version and instead used some cover earlier on.

Fairly sure there’s a TSB for similar potential body trim damage from reflected sunlight for my vehicle, and it ain’t a Honda.  Maybe CYA, but certainly not limited to just one manufacturer.

Accelerating my parent’s ‘78 Pontiac sedan too rapidly for the rainy conditions while making a left from an access road onto a highway. Spun a 180, narrowly missing the guardrail and ended up facing traffic coming at me. Held my finger up in a “one moment” gesture and carefully turned the vehicle around and drove away

For a finite amount of time, they are fine—different people have different ways to grieve. After a certain time, however, they do start to migrate towards the creepy side and especially when the deceased person’s loved ones fight city government to keep the memorials there years after the death.

Will customers get to view this data? I want to know why my takeout soufflé from that expensive downtown French restaurant had fallen when I got it, dammit!  

Holy Uncanny Valley, DeWines!  Turn off that face filtering, please!

Points to whomever put together the lead photo--legit made me laugh

What a terrible headline for an interesting interview and even better novel.

1984 Pontiac Fiero SE, purchased low mileage used in 1989. Simultaneously loved and loathed that vehicle. Just one thing after another with it, but thankfully none of the legendary and probably overblown overheating/fire issues. Inner roof liner failed & fell on me and passenger while driving on a hot summer day.