To be fair, the genocidal sky fairy didn't drown them. They were burned alive.
To be fair, the genocidal sky fairy didn't drown them. They were burned alive.
Okay, Monday, that's enough. Jesus.
My significant other enjoys those types of situations. My disdain of crowds began manifesting when I was about 8.
Whenever I think/hear about this movie, I *always* hear these lines first:
Years ago, when I was working at a small company, they hired a young guy to assist the three senior women in our department.
I had been engaged to the quintessential Buppie and it ended, not with a bang but a whimper. It wasn't three months later, I heard he was engaged to some thick thighed heifer he met at a Corvette convention. I has been waiting to hear from law school and got accepted after the break up. He didn't know. About a…
One time a dude was like, "Wanna see my dick?" and I was like "Yes, please" and I stood there waiting. And he eventually walked away. I'm not quite sure what I would have done if he had whipped it out. Probably laughed and made a joke.
What a perfect time for:
"Wow, why are men so frigid? They should have just given her a chance. Jeesh, they say women should be more honest but then they act all weird when they do. What a bunch of pricks, am I right?? I bet if she was hot they wouldn't be so freaked out, fucking double standards"
Not very nice of you to hog the comics section though tbh
I'm not sure how anyone can be a Republican these days. It's like taking a job on a remote island in an underground bunker where your boss has an eye patch and is prone to fits of maniacal laughter. You have to know you're working for the bad guy.
All great points. But really, isn't LIFE just dangerous, full stop, especially for women who are so dumb as to need constantly policing by the government? I mean, you could be hit by a bus walking down the middle of the street, drown in the shower from all that mouth-breathing... Truly, the only solution is for every…
Why stop there? We should probably give pregnancy tests for women who do many dangerous things:
My reaction to this involves flipping several tables then setting all the fucking things on fire. UGH.
Non-consensual assisted suicide.
Because he gets off on the lack of consent.
Cookies are for sluts! You'll get your communion wafer and like it!