Madame de Villedieu

Fuck - Gawker itself. I can SO tell when we’ve been crossposted due to the vitriol.


At first I was all ‘huh Jezpin?’ then I said ‘Deadzebel’ outloud and realized you did what you had to do.

yes please

Me too.

Straight man here, these sex bots creep the ever loving shit out of me.

And I'm not a penis-haver but - my god - that grip! That could possibly be his last hand-job ever.

I’m surprisingly impressed.

Wow, she does look like ScarJo. Hopefully in order to complete the realism, she comes with a packet full of restraining orders.


I hear you.


Okay, I’m of the opinion that all winks are creepy, but that wink is horrifying. I’m a straight lady so maybe I’m wrong, but I also feel like most men would also be horrified being on the receiving end of a wink like that, even if it were coming from someone with a face like Scar Jo.

if you can program a lady you can PLEASE a lady is what I’ve never said.

Hopefully this:

Scarlett Johansson isn’t actually a lifelike robot?

I’m willing to bet that Robo-Johansson is a more expressive actress than the real Scarlett Johansson.

Can we make Jezpin a regular occurrence? Like casual Fridays.

Well, it explains her performance in Lucy.

Up next...Cat Watching.