Madame de Villedieu

Im sorry i fell for a troll comment

Oh for chrissakes.

Its kind of disgusting that you have any amount of stars for this.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

You know what I want? Food that tastes good. I want food that is flavorful and doesn’t leave a weird feeling in my mouth. Heavily processed food always leaves a weird feeling in my mouth.

I can suggest what I remember reading in class long, long ago in a time we call the aughts....

Eh, the particular contingent of white folks who immediately get angry at the thought of whiteness being subject to critical analysis would get angry no matter what they named it. There’s not really anything legitimately confusing about this name, it’s just a subject matter that makes people in the majority angry.

The irony is rich. White people throwing criticism of white privilege at a Whiteness deconstruction project without looking into it...white privilege much? And I really can go the rest of my life without hearing “problematic” again. Just say what is problematic about the thing you are talking about.It will help us

It’s true the PCC Cascade campus is in a historically black neighborhood, though it’s gentrifying so quickly that it might be only white people by the time I finish this sentence.

One, you are not sorry. Two, maybe read into Whiteness literature first.

The name is just a straightforward description of it. There’s nothing wrong with the name (even if white people do tend to freak the fuck out when people propose to critically examine whiteness).

In a “Blackness” critical theory class I took back in undergrad, we mostly talked about rap music. Yours sounds more interesting, even if I did get to write my final paper on Leprachaun 5: In The Hood.

Wait, what? Isn’t a project to analyze the meaning of “whiteness” and its history a pretty obviously good idea? I expect to see people upset about that at the Daily Caller, not here.

Whiteness as an idea definitely arose, historically, when blackness did (really interesting to read about how race, as we know it, was constructed when slavery needed to be justified). That being said, I think whiteness now exists as a very specific entity that, yes, contrasts with blackness but also exists on its

And the one POC who they keep tracking down to ask her opinion on race is just exhausted really. She just wants to be left alone.

Academic term whiteness. Whiteness as a construction imposes social pressures on all of us. Like how masculinity/machismo imposes pressure on all of us.

Well it is the whitest city in the nation, and the entire state banned black people from living there for a long time, so it does kind of make some sense.

Or a group of academics and students in their classes using terms from their area study, rather than colloquial terms, came up with the name. Whiteness studies is an interdisciplinary field focusing on the social construction of whiteness and its power in US society. Its foundational works are by black academic and

In a “Whiteness” critical theory class I took back in undergrad, we talked a lot about how whiteness is treated as being neutral. As in, ‘to be white’ (acknowledging the construction of race as a not real but all too real thing) is thought of as not having a race, when in fact there are a number of specific

Yeah, I see what they were going for, but in their defense, it would have taken at LEAST another half an hour to find a person of color in Portland to run that name by.