
“If You have to bend down to pat it it’s not really a dog.” Good advice I was once given.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

Yeah, my uncle is a journalist who has written about sexual violence and he fact checks the heck out of his stories, even if he is very sympathetic to the victims. Not to do so is to put another nail in the coffin of print journalism. Why does it exist if we cannot trust journalists to go through many layers of

Roommate was a total dipshit. He even insisted that my packaged food not touch his packaged food in the cupboards. I once came home to a passive-agressive note on the fridge chastising me for letting my pack of nori sit next to his box of mac & cheese.

Are they? If you look at the current controversy, reducing air pressure in the Pats’ offensive balls, how does it stack up to, say the Falcons piping in noise during visitors’ possessions. Which has more impact on the game?

I’m guessing she gets the blame because women are always blamed for the actions of the men in their lives.

I don’t know, but the woman has a lot of odd, baseless negativity thrown her way, and little of it seems to be actually connected to anything she actively did or her capability for the future. I mean, the GOP candidates shift their opinions with the wind, but somehow it’s a scandal that she used to have opinions that

Did anyone else notice how longingly Don was looking out the window in the scenes for next week. He’s gonna throw himself out of one of those and fall past all the floors just like he does in the opening credits.

Yah did anyone read the complaint along with the messages? It's pretty gross how BADLY people want this guy to be a rapist. And if he isn't then the feeling is that he should still go fuck himself for being a man and for doing some girl in the butt. These messages and her behavior are pretty interesting. Not to say

By the way, this:

It’s not about the evidence standard, it is about the fact that any proceeding cannot find “innocence”, by your own explanation even.

When the standard is preponderance of the evidence, the factfinder sides with the person who they believe the evidence favors. If they believe the evidence favors the accuser, even by .0001%, they side with the accuser. If they believe the evidence favors the accused, even by .0001%, they side with the accused.*

She used a (proven) false claim as her student thesis. She slandered this man’s good name. And libeled him (since much of this was made in the press). At the very least she should be expelled. I believe she should be brought up on formal charges by the D.A. as well. Women like her damage the credibility of real

Are you special needs? I would like to confirm this before I destroy you for the stupidity of this comment. If you are, you get a pass.

So how do we know she is not playing off of those. It seems she sure has gone out of her way to make a point - the lady doth protest too much with her mattress, and not enough with legal filings. Women, especially young women are no more immune to targeting and bullying a person than a man would be especially when

well she did get invited to the State of the Union in Washington DC by Senator Gillibrand.

You know the other “three cases” were 1) a woman who said he inappropriately kissed her at a party (university found him ‘not responsible’), 2) a woman who said he ‘inappropriately followed her upstairs at a party’ (university found him ‘not responsible’), and 3) a gay man who said he sexually assaulted him after this

Actually, the standard of proof in the Columbia investigations is “preponderance of the evidence,” a much less burdensome standard than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard used in criminal cases. Under a preponderance of the evidence standard, basically if 50.0001% of the evidence favors you, you win. So if

Holy shit, I don’t even know where to begin with this. If the dude is totally innocent, and thereby falsely accused, then fuck him?

Sabrina Rubin Erdely, is that you?