
Wonder if she was on hand to ‘splain it to the Secret Service when they had their chat Trump and his minions today ? Oh to have been a fly on that wall.

My dad (recent ex-republican) hates her with a passion. Anytime she comes on TV he turns it off and starts ranting about how Republicans are all idiots if they vote Trump

I don’t want to call her a hateful bitch but...

Trump wears poorly tailored suits to hide his tiny hands and huge ass. He drinks diet coke by the liter for a reason.

Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.

I’d totally forgotten about this aspect. I was wondering why Hillary is wearing all these bulky fancy housecoat things. Didn’t factor in the whole “kevlar lining” thing.

Just tell ‘em that Ivanka doesn’t have to cover up a bulletproof vest with her “collection.”

Given that Tom Perez is under investigation, and my personal choice, Julian Castro, was recently accused of violating the Hatch Act, who did that leave her with? Elizabeth Warren? We need her in the Senate, and even if we didn’t, her replacement would be chosen by a Republican. Ditto Corey Booker.

In other news, Clinton has pledged to get an amendment to end Citizen’s United in the first 30 days in office. Since she’s cautious usually, I’m going to guess this one is entirely possible.

I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

This would be a good point if Ivanka were very young or vulnerable. But this is a highly educated, fully grown adult. She has immediate family members who do not support her dad; she has a safe way out of this icky spotlight if she wants one. Given the statements she’s made (like the one in this story), it’s evident

There’s always something absurd about someone who works in the family business touting how ‘successful’ they became.

Sparrow likes sitting on my lap while I go on feminist internet rants. That makes her a feminist by association, right?

Bye bye poor little soon to drown leaf-cutter ant.

Hillary Clinton is not a billionaire but try again troll.

Bernie Sanders is becoming more ridiculous by the day.

Just because a woman kicked his ass in the primaries is no reason the man can’t pretend to have won.

He dicksmacked all the repub’s into following his “narrative” and now he’s going to try and gobsmack the democratic narrative into all Trump, all the time.

Because she didn’t. Sanders proposed the debate. She never agreed to it. Bernie doesn’t get to have whatever he wants just by demanding it. That’s not how life works unless you are a toddler.