
ok, I am going to admit that he is HOT and if he wants me to vote for Hillary I would.

Sorry for the generalization, but I’m quite disgusted how American Jews prefer to remain silent on Gaza or frankly not give a shit about what the government of Israel is doing. I think it’s frightening to say the least.

That’s cute, you know, talking about how you’re talking about how Jews are ‘Scared’ of Trump. LOL What’s funny is that the only jews I know are massive wealthy, and not even remotely interested in human rights (See: Gaza) unless it benefits them directly. So yeah, keep playing that Holocaust victim card, douche. It’s

Bill’s comment that Trump sells something along the lines of even if I can’t help the white working class, if they elect me they can watch me beat up other people, was spot on. Dude knows how to simplify a statement.

Vaginas were meant to feel the sun and the summer breezes. It’s bullshit we’re supposed to cover them up. BULLSHIT!

Well, demographic data would tell us that she would be a likely Bernie supporter. So yes, there certainly are types. Just as there are those who go against type.

Considering that he has exactly zero percent odds of winning the nomination, does anyone else feel that Bernie is actively trying to fuck over the Democrats at this point?

The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?

The Sanders supporters are working from a completely different set of facts. This whole argument already happened yesterday on this article. It all boils down to Bernie supporters trying to get extra delegates in a caucus he lost (important fact here), both sides agreeing to rules, and then Bernie supporters being

100% THIS. Ever hear of Burlington College? that would be front page news. how are things going in Venezuela? there would be ads all of the place. how about $33Trillion in new taxes? and where the fuck would anti-PAC Bernie get the money to take on Trump and his minions???

What this bitch did is nothing short of criminal.

My feeling is, if these had been Trump supporters, would we be so concerned with “telling both sides” and “not painting people with a broad brush”? We already know the answer to this, and it’s no, we would not. We also wouldn’t be satisfied when the candidate in question mumbles a bit about not supporting violence but

Of course they are different types of incidences. The similarity is in the fact that these are instances of reprehensible behavior that exist but are not typical of either camp’s support base, therefore assuming that any given Sanders supporter also supports harassment is like assuming that any given Clinton supporter

Do you have an opinion on the Hillary rally in Calif. Where supporters had to exit through a “wall of hate”and elderly women were called bitch and c-nt simply for being a Hillary supporter. Or signs were yanked out of children’s hands. Two sides to that one too?

I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?

They are not “nasty tweets,” they are threats—some of them aimed at children. And if you think that’s not a major problem with the democratic process, I don’t know what to tell you.

I think the error was not changing the rules to suit the Bernatics.

Jeez, you’re as a bad as men who start notallmenning you the minute you point out problems among men.

Agreed. I’m really disappointed in how Bernie/Hillary stuff has been covered here, and especially disappointed in the way they’ve forwarded the “Bernie Bro” narrative.

Even Bernie has been, to some degree, a disaster with him recently admitting in that incredibly bad NYDN article that he doesn’t, in fact, have any policy shapen around “taking down the big banks and wall st.” From the bottom-up and top-down, they need a crash course. I got no hte for Bernie, but he just seems