
‘walking in on Don’s infidelities was nothing compared to the pathological scapegoating Betty has inflicted.’

I think Betty is a great character and not so much a repressed loon as a woman of her time, dealing with changing social mores that don’t match with what she was taught - and what she was taught made her miserable.

I’ve never bought this Sally rebelling thing. She’s the oldest child of an alcoholic and she’s going to keep everything tamped down.

Abusive behavior is abusive behavior. Hamm is that type of person because he did it.

It’s the same phenomenon that brought down the American Apartheid. When pictures of black bodies being firehosed and attacked by police dogs ended up on TV, White America could no longer ignore the injustice. Now there are cameras everywhere, and sheltered White America is being educated, once again, on what daily

I could give two craps about whether or not the frats benefit.

I do think Rolling Stone needs to look inward at how this kind of shit show can be avoided but honestly, I think feminism also has to look inward and maybe realise that part of the problem is that what Erdely did is really the textbook way that feminism and rape victim advocates want rape victims to be treated. Just

Yeah! Fuck this entire group of people I know nothing about!!

In this case, stupidity + greed + hubris + laziness + buck-passing is almost certainly the correct explanation, but it’s not exactly an implausible alternate theory, is the sad thing.

An apology that has never been convincing to anyone who was not already convinced.

Excerable, annoying, and it turns out, more correct than you were.

Or it could be a point to do better next time. There is a problem but it doesn't give cover to crap reporting like this or the people in support who just ran with it.

Rolling Stone has basically said “This is Jackie’s fault”.

Well, that JUST came out tonight with the report. “Mr. Wenner said that Ms. Erdely would continue to write for Rolling Stone, and that Will Dana, the magazine’s managing editor, and the editor of the article, Sean Woods, would keep their jobs.”

Well, since Rolling Stone isn’t interested in editing, I’ll help Sabrina out.

There are some important people missing from Erdley’s apology:

I don’t know. There seems to have been too many experienced, adult professionals involved this whole process—from writing to editing to printing—to have let such shoddy reporting be published. They appear to be overtaken by the needs of the narrative, not truth.

I don’t think she was a staff writer. I think, judging from what I’ve read, that she’s a freelance journalist. But in any case, I doubt RS would let her write for them again and I doubt she’ll write anywhere anytime soon unless it’s fiction. I have seen journalists dust themselves off after major embarrassments before

Erdely has never had a job at Rolling Stone — she is a freelancer, and this was a commissioned piece. But Wenner noted that she would continue to write for the magazine. We’ll see if this is actually a true statement, but it’s amazing to me (while also not being truly surprising) that they would ever pay a dime for a

An investigative journalist failed to investigate. The mind boggles.