
I don’t think it’s true that Erdley didn’t fact-check to be nice to rape victims. I think she didn’t fact check because she had the story she wanted and she had a name to make for herself and so fuck everything and everyone else. Then later she get caught and claims it was cause she’s just so sympathetic to rape

Pay them the same wage other college workers get when they go to practice and play in games, its a job so pay them hourly, and with that cover any medical costs they need even if they get injured and cut due to injury, give them a food stipend. Not only is this fair and easily manageable for everyone, it would also

Highly flawed? You mean made up?

Some of us need to drink to make being around people like you tolerable.

If you're too young to have meaningfully engaged with politics when Stewart first took over TDS (and if you're a Millennial, you're too young), you don't get to claim him. He's Generation X's Johnny Carson.

maybe for about 5 minutes, until the smartest person there suddenly blurts out, "shit what if he starts making documentaries?"

This really is a sad day. I am 22 years old and I have been more or less watching it for all 17 years. My parents have absolutely loved The Daily Show since its inception and I would hear them laughing constantly so that is what drew me to it. Obviously I was a kid and didn't understand 80% of the jokes but I laughed

Jon Stewart always gave me a way to work through the anger and frustration and ridiculousness and wrongdoings of politics and people. Whatever awful thing had happened, you could watch him and even though the problem didn't get better, you at least could work through it and just go "Ya, somebody fucking gets it." And

What "judge or jury" are you referring to? He hasn't been arrested. She hasn't filed charges.

Words to heave by.

You know who else used to have the best Fox News ratings? Glenn Beck. If you want to roll around in a shit pit with him and say you're clean from taking a bath, be my guest.

I see this as more a comedy about how hard the investigation and trial are for him and how hard it is for him to adjust to prison life, because he is so charmingly neurotic. Maybe he hangs himself in an adorably incompetent manner! With a contrasting sub-plot where the daughter has a lovely life.

And there wasn't NEARLY enough casual racism.

Is there any chance this philosophy professor loses his job or otherwise faces serious discipline for shagging sexually harassing his student?

I have a great idea for a Woody Allen movie. It's about this guy, right, and he seems to get away with molesting his daughter until one day the cops come knocking. It's a drama that ends with the main character dying in jail.

I mean, most journalists are, but most also don't have quite the level of hubris to smugly stand behind a tenuous shitshow like this before conveniently disappearing off the face of the earth.

That's the thing. I don't believe Erdley was trying to help rape victims. I think she was after a good story. I wouldn't mind it if she had reported the truth and helped, but instead she didn't bother to fact check, reported blatant lies, and now is pretending her shit journalism is feminism.

Yes, none of UVA's stonewalling on access to administrators explains why Erdely didn't attempt to contact the students/friends of Jackie that she portrayed as sinister caricatures in her piece. Among other egregious errors.

Welcome to the worlds of journalism and activism.

I just keep thinking about how fucking easy it would've been for Erdley to figure out that there was something wrong with Jackie's story. Even with the university not wanting to talk to her. But instead she went for a splashy story and now rape victims everywhere are left holding the bag.