Such as?
Such as?
Biden backed his eye rolls up with facts!
Only seven, huh?
Maybe she's fucking depressed. Maybe she isn't equipped to FUCKING BE A MOTHER. Maybe she should have had an abortion four months previous.
Yeah like when Rolling Stone did it re UVA rape.
Kobe was good
Cunt is too good for her.
Dems REALLY NEED TO QUIT ROMNEY-ING HILLARY. This is serious shit. We can’t lose.
I like “cunt”.
Remember Anne Buford?
Increasingly that first stat is not becoming the case. If current trends persist more Americans will die of gun shot wounds than car accidents. Also cars are getting safer and safer. Guns —and gun owners—are not.
Actually if cops are being investigated for DV they lose THEIR guns.
A history of being investigated for various crimes in three fucking states it seems to me should keep one from purchasing a gun. But you are right: 2A needs repealing.
No word, but last time this happened (Oregon) one poster swore he'd close his Gawker account and never return if the shooter obtained his guns legally—which he did.
And yet he had a gun.
Yes they did. It’s the reasons he didn’t go to Paris with the baby her mom was going to bring over “later” lol.
In negotiations you start high. Duh.
wow. So no one had shitty dads?
I think that's kind of awesome.
Mom and dad here. Yeah.