fuck that shit. My daughter is praised about all three but I still tell her she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Every fucking day.
fuck that shit. My daughter is praised about all three but I still tell her she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Every fucking day.
Good for you. Is your name Emily?
“You’re fat. Lazy. Pimply. Ugly. Just like your mother.”
was this in the months after Crudup left her? Was she pregnant or a mom of a toddler and an infant?
When I was 24 (and living on $250 a week in NYC) I sure knew better, and when my 34 year old boss with the six figure salary and the pregnant wife came on to me I found another job as soon as I could.
Tom Brady fund out Bridget was pregnant a month or two after they broke up, but yeah not much better.
I agree. In fact I once read a super-smart comment from a man here on Gawker regarding his "pal" who cheated for years on his wife: Something along the lines of, "He lied to and cheated on and destroyed the most important person and most significant relationship in his life, one that lasted two decades. Doesn't bode…
Norman Lear did it best and no one has done it better since.
Yeah I’m sure I’ll get flamed for this but...
if your bag looks empty people will feel sorry for you and give you seconds and thirds.
LOL didn't SABRINA RUBIN ERDELEY write about this?????
I got in my car once and was driving down the street when realized there were ants all over the gear shift and crawling up my arm. Scared the shit out of me. Nearly drove up someone's lawn.
You mean like plucking a pubic hair and wiping hamburger grease on it?
Yeah. Because of TRUMP.
You don't party like you did when you didn't have kids though. If you do you are an asshole shitfuck.
Oh I lived on McMahon.
Yup. Especially cause she took a settlement and redacted.
Lol the woman is saying she was never asked if this could be posted.
You read the above?^