Well well what do you know?
Well well what do you know?
Uh huh. My mother-in-law attended high school with Joan Didion.My uncle (by marriage, I am not Japanese) was in internment with Robert Matsui. My in-laws are fifth generation Californians, and I clerked for Kennedy and my best friend from grammar and high school worked for Wilson, Deukmejian, and Schwarzenegger. My…
It's suspect is what it is.
The school’s been up and running for decades, and there are all kinds of KJ haters in Sacramento—anyone who actually lives here knows this. If anyone had a complaint trust me our racist DAs (no friend of Johnson’s BTW I know both personally) would have fucking jumped on it.
Yeah. My money's on this is an interview that wasn't allowed in court because other evidence contradicted it. The whole setup is bizarre and suspicious.
Has anyone responded yet? I find this quite odd. Also isn't this the girl who settled out of court and why isn't a female officer present and asking these questions?
where in Sac?
Why isn’t a woman questioning her or even present? This is extremely unusual.
Did you see her response?
H0w many "others" have we heard about? It's been 20 years.
She's not KJ's type. At all.
Not offended just BORED.
No other country has our problem with mass killings. All have problems with men.
Exactly. Other countries have these SAME problems of testosterone and "male entitlement". Look at Ireland for fuck's sake. No one has OUR problem of mass shootings based on horny frustration.
I gotta say I agree with him though. I can't believe Argo was that good.
SHe’d look a lot better.
well, that certainly explains a lot.
Nah the one about the Rolling Stone rape story totally NOT being faked was the most incorrect one.
GTFO fall rocks! Pumpkin beer!!!!