
This is a strange article. I thought UVA was a sex assault disaster that FAILED women and Renda... Renda makes it sound like UVA is the only college that actually DID anything about it...…

Interesting. I thought UVA FAILED Emily Renda, and company. Read this glowing article about all UVA has done for sexual assault on college campuses.

If Emily Renda is related to Kathleen Renda, Emily Renda started school at UVA in 2010. So they are in the same class...(she and Jackie). Kaplan hired Kathleen Renda. Kaplan knows Kathleen Renda and Sabrina Erdely . I think we need more info on how Erderly came to this story—who approached who, and how involved Renda

I am also curious about this Emily Renda. Is she related to the Philly Mag editor Kathleen Renda? Because this is all seeming very "related", if so.

I think you—like Erdely—prefer to focus on the politics of this issue and not the specifics of the article. Let's not confuse the two. Challenging the specifics of the article isn't necessarily saying "nothing happened" or "this didn't happen" or "this never happened" and certainly not "this never happens". It's

Whatever, Bernstein. It's a question you will hear again and again until someone answers it on a national forum.

She has said two different things. Probably on advice from her lawyer? She started out saying she did not contact the accused because she promised Jackie she wouldn't. She has since said she tried but the contact list was old and the president of the frat (nationally) wasn't helpful in updating it.

Journalism 101 is who what where when and why. And how. This question is completely relevant.

No one is saying that I certainly am not grow the fuck up and quit extrapolating. A reporters job is to answer questions others who do not have access to the interview subject have.

I as a fact checker have been trained to question writers. And editors. On every detail. You don't accept inaccuracies, for any reason. And when you find ONE? However insignificant(like the misremembering of the timing of UVA initiation? That's a biggie)? You look for others. Chances are, they are there.

No not everyone has the answers to these questions. Would you take a pill because someone—anyone— told you too? In any context, including a doctors office? Having no idea what it was?

Wait. Have we been in the same planet? The knee jerk response to this story was collective shock, horror and national headlines as well as talk of a Pulitzer (though magazines don't win Pulitzers). The knee jerk reaction on this site to someone challenging the story was to slam those challenges as white male

She also mentions being hit in the face and no one noticing.

The rape scene is I Spit On Your Grave is quite similar to the scene in the story. ISOYG is a rape revenge fantasy cult film.

Check out the rape scene from I Spit On Your Grave...the one set in upstate New York, with the writer. (There are other versions). The rape scene in this movie is oddly similar to the one depicted in that movie.

Here's my theory:

Also ....there is no rush in Fall at UVA. It's in the SPRING.

Yes, as is the journalist's job.