Except that she was on with a journalist, and it's the journalists JOB to ask the questions the public would ask. These questions have very believable answers, btw.
Except that she was on with a journalist, and it's the journalists JOB to ask the questions the public would ask. These questions have very believable answers, btw.
Oh and in the first article she says she didn't TRY to contact Drew because she promised Jackie she wouldn't.
Her editor at Rolling Stone , Sean Wood, is saying the same exact thing. He says he never talked to Jackie, but he "trusts" Ederly. Meanwhile, Ederly is bobbing and weaving and evading questions by her female colleagues now. No one is saying they don't believe there was a story, just that there are many questions and…
Erderly WROTE ABOUT working with Glass for Philly Inq... That could be one reason she is being linked to him. And her boss was fired for fabricating a story. I find those interesting factors in figuring out WHY THE HELL someone with this kind of experience with this thing (and the known repercussions) would allow a…
"Grab its motherfucking legs". (Silence of the Lambs) She falls through, shatters, and is raped over shards of glass she asserts were in her skin. Pitch black and she can recognize faces. Men who laugh at another man hitting her in the face. I've lived with DV and I've NEVER seen that happen. Except in movies like I…
Go through Rosin's questions and Schulevitz's questions. It also mirrors a few A&E drama episodes.
Sabrina Ederly worked with Stephen Glass at Daily Penn.
Her first boss and mentor was fired for running a fabricated story.
There were parts that seemed not made up? but...embellished. Also some facts just belie common sense—which is how Glass got caught.
Aside from the fact that Hanna Rosin and Judith Schulevitz BOTH have raised questions about this piece (comments which have yet to be moved into the black, complete with podcasts and Schulevitz's FB posts for all to see). other information is interesting. Rubin Ederly (then just Rubin) wrote a piece about her days at…
Um, Hanna Rosin from Slate took her to task this morning as well. She is skeptical about many of the facts in the story and the unanswered questions. I'm a former fact checker and I am, too.
because there isn't nearly enough nepotism in the media already.
Yes but Kimmy Kardashian is a FINE mother:
Since it's well established Today's ratings are down? Then yes. You appear to be among a lower number of people who prefer TODAY.
We shall see.
we shall see who is "stupid".
who ISN'T drunk on football Sunday? That doesn't mean shit dude. Half the greatest literature has been written when writers were drunk off their ass. And 90% of decent (and accurate) sportswriting, too. The idea Lynch is "washed up" is laughable. I'm related to Silver and 30% of what he knows to be true is actually…
Whatever dude. Peeps have mocked me before—like when I said Harbaugh wouldn't last at the 49ers more than five years.
research what I am saying.