ctrl + f “cult”
ctrl + f “cult”
i can imagine how this would read if the particulars of the involved parties were reversed, lol.
‘whiny crybaby MAN Jason Sudiekis’ throws tantrum over being served custody papers on stage by his Powerful, Courageous Ex Olivia Wilde.’
I think you may be misunderstanding a bit how this stuff works. What we have here is a snippet of legally vetted description of the incident. What actually happened, in context, likely made someone feel uncomfortable (or objectified or threatened) enough that the people in the know saw it as a fireable offense.
Meanwhile, dentists are still forcing their patients to listen to the worst of the 80's pop rock hits.
This seasonSaturday Night Live seems to be a lot of hosts showing up ready to play and the writers not having any material for them.
Oh, look at that! *Chuckles sheepishly* I forgot to put away my ‘more Will Smith slap content.’ Just left it there, lying on the table, for anyone to see... No, yeah, it’s really stupid. Y’know... it’s like, ‘God, everyone stop talking about it already!’ So dumb, I’m so tired of it, just, like, blah blah blah, Will…
Securities And Exchange Commission —> Securities and Exchange Commission
Fuck your editor and chief and these horrible business practices
As in “I’m on the right track baby, I was Née This Way”
This movie should have gone to the logical extreme: Three hours of people slowly walking down hallways, rattling doorknobs, and searching credenzas for handgun ammo.
Among the phrases I hope the blogosphere leaves behind when 2022 arrives: “Punching up/down” as the main description of art. It leads to bad takes and analysis as critics try to suss out who the punchline is, and which way it’s punching, and leads lesser talents to aim for the correct punching direction for their…
“Brands are not your friends! They are our friends because it takes so little to turn a press release into a post.”
LOL I love the tone of this article like avclub doesn’t exist to carry water for these exact fuckers...
I call them six gun shooty shooters
I assume they made the term up so they don’t need to use the word “western” repetitively in consecutive sentences or in the title and again in the description. Unfortunately the cure is more annoying than the disease.
“Let me get this straight: So Who’s on First?”
The first one is basically just what would happen if the cast of Always Sunny become hitmen on accident. Did not need a sequel much less a third one
Look, anyone can play guitar, man...
Everyone loses to the Squid until a rando shows up and punches it. He goes bald after, hence why LeBron and his ever receeding hairline is offended.
Shouldn't "Based on the novel by: James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge" read "Based on a rough idea jotted down on a cocktail napkin by James Patterson, and turned into a novel by Michael Ledwidge"?