
HAA HAA yes he would. I'd LOVE to see that crossover. Pip Torrens was ingenious casting. I always loved Starr in the comics, and to see him as a living, breathing character makes him appreciate him even more.

Yes, Thunderdome was definitely was definitely bit of a tribute to Riddley Walker. Obscure post-apocalyptic literature references FTW!

I'm with Summer: post-Apocalyptic Earths are great, and she's so genre savvy about them! She must've worshipped "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome" and Aunty Entity as a kid, too.

Jerry is great in his own losery way. It's hilarious when he does something incredibly stupid or neurotic, but it's also cool that he has the most human heart and sentimental nature of the entire cast. He's the only person talking sense sometimes, but nobody respects him enough to pay attention. I'm hoping this is

I was not on Ellaria's side on that either but that doesn't make Cersei's evil queen from a Disney movie shtick acceptable.

Hey, we didn't actually see her die and if Cersei keeps poison antidote around who says Olenna doesn’t have a few of those too? Poison is kinda her thing after all.

THIS. GoT is full of shitty leaders who more than prove the point that craziness and violence (really? That's a female leader stereotype?) are to be feared in basically every person in charge ever, regardless of their gender.

YES. *fist pumps* Excellent show, which also feeds my burning desire for decadent 18th century fashion.

2/3 of Strangers With Candy AND the people behind Wonder Showzen? Shut up and take my cable money!

Yeah I like the "bad pussy" sandsnake. She's the one who is closest to having a personality.

I think Jaime and probably Bronn will be displeased with the Tyene torture scenario, and perhaps this will finally snap Jaime out of his "lost inside Cersei's pussy" problem. Why he's still with her after what she said about Tommen's death is beyond me.

I'm thinking that getting the revenge she desires and finding closure in her old life is the final step of becoming a Faceless Man. I wouldn't be surprised if, at the end of the series, Jaqen shows up again to collect her or if she decides to go back to the House of Black and White on her own.

I say let Isaacs drop as many f-bombs as he likes. It's a more common saying these days than the lightweight "God" swears, plus it'll make Discovery sound more like a prestige television show.

Seriously. More incest porn indicators: saying you get "rock hard" around your stepdaughter and talking about how "healthy" physical contact with a male father figure makes girls less slutty.

I think the two Stark girls are gonna kick his ass because they're the most likely ones to figure out that he has basically authored their entire family's pain.

I think it shows how surviving the horrors of torture and literally being emasculated have given him an ability to do things that his macho bravado wouldn't have allowed him to do before. Yara and Ellaria are both aggressive "butch" types. Ironborn are full of viking-pirate posturing and battle lust. Only wounded

Yes, awesome. Thanks for posting that. My own theory was that she was interpreting Nymeria's departure as saying "That's not you. You're not Arya." But her saying it to mean that Nymeria is not a tamed pet makes much more sense. I hope Nymeria gives birth to a whole lotta hybrid direwolf babies who will kick all the

Ugh. Funniest thing on CC right now. Sad. Oh well, onto the next Hardwick show!

I found the "soul-crushing routine" montage really painful, because that's basically real life for a lot of people. I love the main trio (Cassidy especially) but for the real Garth Ennis-style meat of this season I'm looking at Eugene's adventures in Hell. The Hitler stuff is subtle but great and I hope it has a

Since we're casting hot English goys in this thing, I vote for Dan Stevens as Martin D. Ginsburg. He played a passable Jew in "Norman" with Richard Gere.