
I'm a semi-picky eater and it really sucks. It's not as bad as for the people who will uncontrollably gag if faced with anything that has any texture or flavor (you know, the "Freaky Eaters" disease that makes some people incapable of eating anything other than plain rice, french fries, or cheesy potatoes). So I have

Arguing amongst themselves in public isn't great but the issue popped up and she had to give him her opinion. It shouldn't just be "his call" when they're dealing with these things. She might have sounded irritated, but she was trying to get the information through to his brain. Catelyn had the same trouble with Robb

Dude, how can anyone think that the Faceless Men are anything but magically endowed? They take on the total appearance, voice, and even the personality of the "face" they're wearing and I don't think it's just about being a good impressionist. My guess is we'll never truly learn how she does it because it's a trade

And both Tumblr and Reddit just shit themselves.

Yes. You can wear crocs in a dark room when there's dog pee somewhere on the carpet that you can't see and you need to make it to the bathroom really quickly and there's no other footwear in sight. However, you'll need to walk around the house in nothing but the crocs for at least an hour while your roommate marches

God i really wanted this show to not suck. I was holding out for something good to happen before finally accepting its crapitude, but all I got was episode 4 and the new Smoke Monster, which only kills you if you don't have top billing. This show is really showing it's low budget problem. I guess all the money went

Oh hell yes. Double Feature time: The Mist ep 4 + Cage's The Wicker Man! *punches a lady in a bear suit*

I think Tormund's crush on her is cute but she really isn't into it. He'll have to up his charm factor several thousand points to win her, I'm afraid.

Came Jaime and Brienne bone just once, please? That's all I ask.

Oh LORD yes. It'd be the best pedophile buddy movie ever! Reynolds would overflow with NAMBLA jokes.

Dark World was definitely "meh" but I do like Thor 1 a lot, and Ragnarok looks like it could possibly be the best Thor film of all. I look at the Justice League trailer and I just…feel nothing at all.

Well, I for one have found things to like about both the last two incarnations of Spiderman, even if neither was completely perfect. But Tom is definitely the most authentically youthful and charming Peter Parker so far. Glad to hear we're not getting a third rehash of his origin. Too bad I won't get to see a

Pretending that Playgirl was made primarily for straight women is like pretending that Ken dolls aren't all gay.


When will people stop pretending that this man isn't that weird kid who sits by himself in a corner of the playroom and bashes himself in the forehead with a plastic hammer over and over and over and over again?

I dunno if anyone can truly understand "Heavenly Creatures" unless they've been a teenage girl in an obsessive fangirl relationship with another girl, or at least spent a lot of time hanging out in the fandom haven of tumblr. I loved Melanie Lynskey in that movie and I identified with her a lot more than Kate

Mark's one of those sneaky narcissists who you think is a sweet, supportive guy, but somehow he makes it seem that everything you like is a waste of time, all his mistakes are your fault, and he always winds up with the upper hand in your relationship.

He freaks me out enough while I'm awake, I don't need nightmares.

Hmm, so I guess for my "OMG the 80's were hella lame!" humor needs, I'll just keep to watching "GLOW" on Netflix.

The animation and design of Scarlet Overkill was better than her voice, yes, but I still enjoyed her character, especially her relationship with her hilariously Mod-ish husband, Herb Overkill. For me the best thing about movies featuring the Minions are actually the weird humans they interact with. Unfortunately