
I watched all of “Legion” and thought it was brilliant, but this show may be too weird and crazy for me. It was like what happens after you smoke too much pot laced with coke.

If I hadn’t just read an article about how it’s common for Japanese salarymen to collapse unconscious on the street either out of overworked exhaustion or drunkenness, I wouldn’t find this more sad than cute.

A...COCKER...SPANIEL?? That’s it! Sir, I shall see you on the morrow! Pistols at dawn!

Actually that nightmare bit at the end wasn’t “The Little Mermaid” as much as it was the “Big and Loud” reprise from “Cats Don’t Dance”. /huge cartoon nerd commentary

Well, we're not big on eating reptiles as a general rule in the U.S. (gator aside) and also, it would probably upset fans of Crush and Squirt from Finding Nemo.

I recently rewatched a scene from "Eat Drink Man Woman" on YT and there was a lot of live animal butchering and it kind of made me wonder how I was able to sit through it the first time.

Thanks for the great tv shows and movies, Mr. Whedon.

The whole Jon's Eleven Great Wight Heist plan may be stupid as hell, but it made for the best road trip episode ever. I think Tormund/Hound may be my new favorite Odd Couple.

I caught The Dover Boys for the first time during late night programming (USA's "Night Flight" I believe) and happened to be recording it at the time. I just about wore that part of the vhs tape out and can quote that cartoon backwards and forwards to this day. Jones' Best WB toons were always unique one-shots and

Well damn, I'm not sure why I was so convinced that Harmon made both shows. I watched both Community and Scrubs religiously so maybe I conflated them a bit. Harmon IS more dickish about ripping the emotional depth rug from under you, yes.

I really wish I didn’t relate so much to this post, but I do. I used to think of my sister's alcoholism as this (figurative) demon entity occupying her body but then I realized "Nah, that's still her. The booze just brings out her inner self-hating, abusive asshole."

Margaery was the last great fashionista to eye the Iron Throne. I think Sansa looks lovely in her cinched black gown, but like Cersei (who looks a bit like a Romulan these days) and Dany (who always looks fab in whatever country she's currently ruling), she knows that wide shoulders are in order to exude authority in

Something I STILL don't get: ok so the Freys were a bunch of ugly, useless pig-fuckers so I get why no one gives a shit about their annihilation, but aren't the Twins still kinda important? So why is Arya's mass extermination of the Freys not bigger news to anyone? Where's the songs dedicated to Arya's Amazing Meat

Wow did that character screw Julia Sweeney's career. In her one-woman show "And God said HA!", she talked about how she had to make the movie months and months after nobody wanted to see the thoroughly-beaten, equine corpse of that particular joke ever again. Then it tanked and she didn’t have to play Pat any more.

Funny, my impression has always been that GoT's stance on incest is very "meh, it's just a thing that happens sometimes" and we're supposed to just accept it as a quirk of their social circumstances, like marriages between middle-aged men and teenage girls. It makes sense to me that it would happen fairly often since

Chim Chim and Spritle are pure evil, whatever form they come in. But that acid eyegasm trainwreck of a movie was still surprisingly fun.

So to me the crux of Rick's character is his avoidance of the truths in his life, one of the biggest being his basically nonexistent relationship with Beth. He's super sweet to her in an extremely superficial way, but they rarely interact. Hell, he seems to spend more time talking to Jerry (of all people) than to her.

My impression was that Sansa was looking at Arya with growing concern. They didn’t get along but they were closest to each other in their family as sisters. Sansa's seen her share of murderous psychopaths and I don't think she likes her little sister turning into one.

Frances Conroy's adorable and flattering stunt-ass is the best bit of casting in the entire series. She's probably all "My ass has NEVER looked like that, Hollywood" though.

Temple of Doom is mostly shit, yes, but Crystal Skull was 10 times more painful to watch. And I'll remind you that Temple of Doom was the one with the huge bugs, the gross-out dinner scene with the chilled monkey brains, and most horrifying of all…*shudder* Willie "INDYYYYYY!!!" Scott.