
The tonal issues you're sensing? Just kind of how Garth Ennis wrote the comic. Silly and insidious. Your instincts about Cassidy are good. It was one of my favorite things about the comics. At first he comes off as this lovable, hilarious fuck-up, and then you read more and more of his backstory and see the pattern

I've never been so happy to be unspoilered in my life. I honestly did not clock Simm as Razor (which says a lot about his acting because I'm usually good at spotting the voices and faces of actors I know) even though I had read that he'd be popping up this season. I suspected Cybermen early on but thought Razor was

I'm not at all a fan of killing animals in movies and I'm 110% a dog lover, but I think people can be a bit ridiculous on this subject. If they'd killed a toddler instead I doubt there'd be this kind of outrage. I'm not one of those people who say "We should care about humans first! Animals aren't people!" when this

Yes, well spotted. She was pretty traumatized by her husband's death and it makes her go all weird. Also the priest in the church begins seeming ok and normal, but he starts to lose it too.

My initial thought was that his reply would be "Because fuck you, that's why. Go bug R. R. Martin." Cause animation takes a while to produce, plus R&M fans are fucking annoying and only scream "WHERE'S SEASON 3?" to anything they say or do.

Kind of? There's two really different characters who seem to be taking on the role of her character in this version of the story. They're playing with the zealotry thing slightly differently.

Saw the first three eps (2nd and 3rd are on the Spike website) and for me it's a winner. The first ep has the most gore, and the next two are more building suspense and tension. I can tell that the creators appreciate the themes of the original story and are exploring them in depth rather than doing a simple retelling

Lame twist ending, agreed. See: "Killing the dog".

Killing the dog seems to be a trick that most horror films pull these days, probably because they think it's sooo edgy. Personally I find it irritating. People who live in small New England towns with spooky folklore should avoid having pets altogether.

I think it's pretty damn obvious that Mrs. Copeland went through the same thing her daughter did at that age and was trying to save her from the same fate: being raped by an entitled, small town, teenage asshole and then being branded a slut. Which is why teaching sex ed is important to her. The more you know, the

GLOW was the highlight of my childhood Saturday Mornings. And yes, I looked at these ladies as positive female role models. Glad to see it on my tv in some form again.

I love Varga's final line, "If there's one thing I can't abide, it's waste." (since causing pointless and tragic waste seemed to be his whole reason for being).

Hmm. Yes and yes.

Feels like forever that I've been listening to the insidious hissing sound coming from Chuck's gas lantern and waiting tensely for an explosion or an accident or SOMETHING horrible to happen. Now I wonder if maybe the sound was a comfort to him, a reminder of better days when he and Jimmy were young.

Loved the book, love this show, HATE the fandom. One of the worst, most petty fandoms I've ever seen. Won't even open up a can of worms by expanding on that.

Love you Barb. You are the TBT photo subject of the ages. RIP.

OMG I would die. LOOOOOOOOVE that show.

HOW is Webby a Mary Sue in this version? Cause she's older than in the first cartoon and knows stuff about Donald? I don't get it.

Glenne Headley also died yesterday. Her most memorable role was as Janet Colgate in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", though she had several other good turns in various shows and films. She had a way of elevating whatever she was in, be it "2 Days in the Valley" or "Dick Tracey". Sad to hear about her and Mr. West. Both were

Sigh. You just said that wiping out an entire species is justifiable if it benefits humans. You may find that there is considerable opposition to this stance.