Yes. My assumption is that he was slicing open the packages and then reclosing them, but who knows. Most of the stuff he does is completely nutbar.
Yes. My assumption is that he was slicing open the packages and then reclosing them, but who knows. Most of the stuff he does is completely nutbar.
Meh, Ewan's accents are never all that great (for instance, his "Mexican" Lumiere accent that he joked about recently) but nobody really cares because he's still entertaining as hell.
Pssssh. It's so obvious that White Diamond did it. Yellow is the red herring. Pink and Rose Quartz probably both wanted to save Earth, and White punished them for their subversion. Only the details of the case hold any real mystery. I'm not sure if our Pearl used to be White or Pink Diamond's Pearl, but she has to be…
All of Gordon's love interests are written poorly. Lee hasn't been a believable human for ages. Babs only stopped sucking when she killed her parents. Jeez, at this point they should just have Gordon adopt an orphan who is coincidentally named Barbara. I'm sick of his sad excuse of a love life.
Way to spoiler the non-comic reading fans! But on the other hand, FINALLY! The "leader" was boring me to death and I was tired of waiting for the real thing.
Jeezum Crow was the Court of Owls lame. Stupid animal mascot, stupid masks, stupid members. When your leader is obviously about to give the kill order to all the Kato assassins standing behind you, maybe you should, I dunno, MOVE?
Jeez, it's been so long since I watched S1 I forget why I loved it so much, but I'll be checking this out.
It's not a real butter-passing robot unless it wails "Oh my god" and contemplates suicide. The real one would've thrown the fight in the first move and turned the flamethrower on itself.
This is scary for various reasons, the animation itself being only the tip of the iceberg. They don't really make em like that anymore, and this show works best when the art looks nice. There were also a lot of hit-or-miss segments like Katie Kaboom, the hippos, and Chicken Boo, all of which were only funny part of…
I lurrrved Kings. If it has Ian McShane and odd, theatrical speech patterns in it, I'm so there dude.
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The fact that he's a guy who works the night shift in the morgue only adds to the sense of perviness, as unfair as that may be.
Well, those who know their mythology well at all should have picked up on the Wednesday hints way back in ep 1.
Lol the random "oh oh oh"s every 10 seconds gave that one away for sure.
I don't think she'd fuck him even with Mr. World's dick.
Best and Most True Post of this thread. *thumbs up*
Technically I think he's into ponies, which are chibi horses. So yeah, slightly weird brony vibe.
Everything about Gillian's Bowie was pure gold. She's the highlight of this show, as far as I'm concerned (I was going to call her the breakout character, but that honor goes to Mad Sweeney, I think).
It makes it easier for fic writers of crossover genderbend AU's.
In my experience, "Fuck All Of You" was the RS company motto, so they get no sympathy from me.