
God I forgot how much I love David Lynch. His movies are like strange, warm, soothing baths with intermittent bits of jolting horror. I only somewhat remember the details of S1, and I didn't really bother with S2, but I loved FWWM, so this was definitely my cup of tea. I wonder if these two eps were supposed to lull

I found the whole thing hypnotic and I fell into a sleepy trance. This seems to be fairly common for me and Lynch films. I got a lot of flashbacks to the Pink Room scene in "Fire Walk With Me".

I really don't see this new version as overly dark as much as simply more centered in reality. It did surprise me though. From the early reports, I was expecting some of the unpleasant flashbacks I saw in the first couple eps, but what I was not expecting was the "pet mouse" discussion in ep 3 and some of the plot

Dan Stevens, you are BANISHED from the Downton Abbey promotional art!

Invader Zim invented this trope.

LOL fuck you Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa, we're not stopping there! And looks like they'll just be entirely avoiding the rest of those fly-over states.

The only characters worth watching after the first movie are Dr. Evil and his sad coterie of minions. Fat Bastard and even Goldmember have their moments, but Austin himself is pretty fucking dull and his girlfriends in 2 and 3 are two-dimensional.

Whenever that one comes on I just have to sit down and watch it. It's so perfectly fucking 90's.

Oh dear lord the stupid. But hey, at least this shows that somebody's still watching TWD, even if they're blaming the wrong people for the current state of the show. Let's be honest, they're just reenacting Mad Max movies now. They should've ended it around the time that they finally got settled into Alexandria with

Yeah I automatically assumed that he HAD done it. It especially reminded me of The World of Tomorrow, though not nearly as funny.

So people are saying that the episode, like the story of the little robot of "The Planet Wyh", achieved nothing. But the little robot actually did achieve something. He collected data that scientists would use to "decode the fabric of the universe" simply by existing and observing. He embodied the message that he was

I think the creators had a point when they said that not including any POCs on the show would be just as bad as the racism depicted in the book. IMO, if the birthrate situation was that bad and even a live birth didn't guarantee a child that would live, then the philosophy would be to take whatever you can get. This

It's so hilarious that everybody is mentioning "Meet the Feebles" instead of "Greg the Bunny", which was a lot more mainstream. Both titles were awesome btw.


I am the third person who watched that show.

You lost me at your opinion of "Legion". Being a woman who isn't the best person and enjoys sex doesn't equal a bad female character.

I have an idea. Dan Stevens can borrow Cumberbatch's Sherlock wig and do it. Cause Dan Stevens can play ANYTHING.

THEN YOU HAVE NEVER READ GAIMAN. /indignant fan tantrum

Absolutely not. Aubrey Plaza is 100% Desire all the way.

It's dense as fuck with mythology (both original and historical), gorgeous visuals, and thoughtful, intricate storytelling. It demands rereading, not only so you can catch stuff you missed before, but because it's such a pleasure to read. I honestly can't think of a work of fiction that I enjoyed as deeply as Sandman.