
Damn. This article sounds like the beginning of a particularly good read from Oprah's Book Club. All you need is a plot for some kind of international intrigue that a spice merchant could get mixed up in.

God, this show is like the black hole of my television childhood. It came during that period of time when 2nd wave feminism was a dead duck and misogyny was considered edgy and hilarious and "sluts" were all the rage. Every time Kelly Bundy entered the scene, the show stopped dead as the audience howled like

OMG, that would actually explain all the illogical nonsense, like the stupid little tribes that have popped up out of nowhere…the whole show is an elaborate LARP and everything we've been seeing is part of Rick's geekboy fantasy of himself as the Coolest Badass Ever.

The thing about Rick is, you should always listen to what he says but you can never trust that he's telling the truth. I think he definitely has a lot of pain and whatever happened in his past was obviously shitty, but he makes it his full time job to give zero fucks in the most aggressive manner possible. Which

The thing about Rick is, you should always listen to what he says but you can never trust that he's telling the truth. I think he definitely has a lot of pain and whatever happened in his past was obviously shitty, but he makes it his full time job to give zero fucks in the most aggressive manner possible. Which

Damn, "Megamind" was really good. I wish more people had seen that movie.

What I think saves Alexander Skarsgård in this role is that he plays it in a way that treads the line between sympathetic villain and complete monster very carefully. You can see that there is something very twisted and wrong inside him, and it appears to genuinely torture him. But only when it gets him in trouble.

I think the issue is that it didn't feel like a true finale, more like a "mid-season" finale. There are still so many unanswered questions and loose ends to be resolved.

Re the dog: Why did Walter carve a figure that looked just like that dog and give it to David in ep 1? Why does Clark have a cane with a head on it that also looks a lot like that dog? I think these are questions to be answered later.

Oh I agree that Clark is hardly a nice guy. But still, the mutants ARE pretty scary and dangerous and even a creepy fucker like Clark can have decent people in his life who love him. There's no black and white in the world, I think the point was of that intro.

Well thank GOD for the S2 renewal cause that was in no way a complete story arc; more like half of one. I think the Clark sequence was a good idea to illustrate the subjectivity of the situation because let's face it, the Summerland group isn't much more moral or good than Div 3. All they really care about is

I think that moment embodies Dan Stevens and his talents perfectly.

So glad this review is here because I have to say that when Christine finally told her condescending prick of a brother off and informed him that their mother had left her everything in order to make things fair, I burst out in applause. I've never been so proud of any character ever. You really don't see Louis

Yeah but it's a cute joke about how Americans think a posh English accent = intelligent and cool. Why? Probably because we know our education system sucks.

Yes but Lenny and Bill Cypher making out though. XD

She's not even a whole person. All she cares about is kicking people. She doesn't even want to eat or learn about what happens in bathrooms. She's like a weird, violent, maladjusted 5 year-old. Cary needs to make her grow up and stop acting like a helicopter parent.

Omg THAT'S why it was dripping upwards. Thank you.

He's got like 5 freakin films coming out this year. It's nuts. Whenever I think of Dan Stevens, I picture Mugatu from Zoolander saying, "That Dan Stevens, he's so hot right now."

Yeah, in the first ep I saw the interrogator using some kinda notebook/tablet device and I thought, "Ok, so basically this is present day but stylized to look like the 70's." But everyone seems to want to nail an exact year down.

That music is part of the Legion OST by Jeff Russo. It's the track entitled "Choir and Crickets". I found it on Spotify but it should be everywhere.