
That's why I put it in quotes. He's afraid of his power and the feelings it gives him.

David, you are full of shit. You are not innocent and unaware of what's going on around you. Aren't you tired of lying to yourself and everyone else yet? You have the power of a god. Sometimes you destroy stuff when you can't control your emotions. Get over it. Stop being Lenny's doormat and swing into that "manic

And fly around farting the words "EAT IT" of course.

David has no visible t-shirt design in ep 1 (but it is yellow). In the 2nd ep, David's shirt has a square inside a 3D circle. In the 3rd, it's a motion arrow pointing in the direction of his left shoulder. In the 4th, It's a triangular squiggle that looks a little like a tornado. He wears black-and-white striped

Well he did have quite the pinchable chub face as Matthew Crawley. Now he's Mr. Beanpole.

He sings a song called "Evermore" that was written for the movie. The only version currently available is a cover by Josh Groban and let's just say his voice is a bit too dramatic for my tastes.

Yeah but he can douchily order everyone around just like Scott though.

I keep forgetting to mention this, but does it bother anybody else that Young David is played by the same kid from the Cox Homelife commercials that often air during Legion? It makes the talking Cox Homelife house seem a lot more sinister than intended.

Tbh I never got the point of the Mike Yanagita stuff either.

There are so many great performances on this show and Aubrey Plaza really is killing it, but I think Dan Stevens really deserves more props. This episode had him showing off his transformative acting skills and some excellent physical comedy. He went from terrified to terrifying in a blink of an eye, and that horrific

That question will be keeping both me and Syd up for at least a week. I think it wasn't either/or though…I think it was a Parasite!David hybrid.

I dunno but he was reminding me a LOT of Lenny just then.

I took it as Bette seeing herself play a caricature of her real life situation and feeling the scene too personally. I'm sure seeing the intentional ugliness of her character in that moment hit a bit too close to home. I don't think it's obvious, but what happened in that scene is that Baby Jane is reciting one of her

I loved Surf's Up because it was just another cgi-animated, cash-grab movie about talking animals that was actually about how much the creators clearly loved surfing and surfing documentaries. It was much more touching and visually gorgeous than it had any right to be, and Jeff Bridges playing an emotionally troubled

My own theory is that King, Lenny, the World's Angriest Boy, and the Yellow-Eyed Devil are all the same thing: a parasite that pretends to be David's friend but misguides, manipulates, and sometimes terrorizes him in order to control him and his powers.

Thoughts on ep 4:

I think have a higher opinion than most of La La Land and Emma Stone's acting, but even I didn't think either should've won. Happily surprised to see that Moonlight actually won, even though it meant that La La Land had to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Meh. "Frankenhooker" was better.

I assumed it was because one-person shows are generally terrible. I can count the number of them that aren't crap on one hand. Also? Next time Mia should consider working with other people instead of trying to write, act, and stage the whole thing single-handedly, especially since this was her first real professional