
I was a little surprised when Martha said she was 49 in this episode. She doesn't look 49 to me…then again, I'm not sure what age she does look like. Whatever age Droopy the Dog is, I guess, since that's who she reminds me of most. Anyway, Zach's actual age is 47, so I'm wondering how old Chip and Dale are supposed to

So there are dogs littered all over David's psyche. There's his beagle King, some stuffed animal toys from his childhood, a dog statue in Dr. Poole's office (iirc), and that slo-mo barking dog in the stove drug trade scene. In ep 1 there was even a dog listening in on the Division 3 guys with that red light in the

They're both mostly practical effects (costumes and monster makeup) which I think is supposed to have that Babadook/boogeyman feel of a childhood terror. I don't think that they're the real face of whatever's haunting him.

And we know now why his gf didn't kick his ass to the curb way sooner. Apparently the crazy junky sex was gooooooood.

What I don't get is, how can he have gone through all this trauma and NOT be mentally ill in some way? Even if it's not what the doctors told him it was, he's still definitely screwed up. Seems self-evident to me.

Well and it's thematically important too. Trying to dig too deep with David will undoubtedly cause her to lose him.

I was actually kind of dreading the moment when Christine came home. She'll be so livid, she'll probably kick them both out (at least temporarily). S1 Christine would've just sighed and eaten a dozen Twinkies, but S2 Mama Baskets got her groove back. Also, the shock of the state of her home could even put her back in

Lol that's horrible. And hilarious.

From what I read, the original play was meant as a refutation of the whole fondness for 50's nostalgia thing going on at the time. The author remembered his teen years being a lot less wholesome than sock hops and soda shops, and he based the characters on his high school friends, who were average, shallow, stupid

I think the ickiness is meant to be apparent in some of these cases, like in American Beauty, where both teens are kind of creeps. There's so many horrible examples of "romantic gestures" in rom-coms, it's impossible to count them all. A few more films I can think of that contain questional behavior: "My Best Friend's

C'mooon. Most people openly acknowledge that the whole premise of "Pretty Woman" is pretty gross. It's still a cute movie that people remember fondly, which is just how the creepy magic of rom-coms works.

It's a often dreamlike contemplation of the state of the Vatican as it tries to remain relevant in modern times, despite the fact that it's composed almost entirely of ancient priests who are as far removed from the real world as you can get.

Ohh I don't think Aubrey's going anywhere.

Lucian Msamati recently starred as Salieri in the National Theatre's new production of "Amadeus". I just saw it broadcast to a movie theater in the U.S. through the "NT Live" program. It was excellent and Msamati was perfect and carried the whole play. So pleasantly surprised to see him pop up on this show less than a

I read that they had a 4-season arc planned for the story they want to tell with CXG. I've got this idea in my head that next season will focus on Rebecca and friends dealing with her somewhat unfairly placed rage at the men in her life as well as Josh's panic-induced "calling". Then at the end of S3 Becks finally

I think partly it's a way for the show to metaphorically illustrate that Rebecca's "crazy" isn't uncommon or unique to her.

Ngl, I'm in this one for Dan Stevens. Same for "Legion". I can't get enough of that hot Matthew Crawley bod. Ooh that reminds me of the shower scene in "The Guest". MMmmmmmmmmm…

Not all girls are about that, especially moody teens with problems. Reality isn't a factor. It's all about creating a fantasy relationship. There are tons of fandoms dedicated to dark characters such as Jack Skellington, Prof Snape, every Disney villain ever (including Scar), and, for some reason, the Once-ler from

I try not to judge, but Anissa's dad was grating on my nerves with his "In our house, all bedroom doors are open 24 hrs a day while I watch my kids like a hawk" style of parenting. Then he acted like iPads were to blame because they let the damn internets in.