This isn’t going to do a thing -- all the 18-21 year olds are probably out robbing trains while Jalopnik writers make excuses for them.
This isn’t going to do a thing -- all the 18-21 year olds are probably out robbing trains while Jalopnik writers make excuses for them.
18 to 20 year olds were already able to hold a CDL in most states. In fact, most states already allowed under-21 operators to drive between states (1). You didn’t need a CDL if the vehicle you were operating was below a certain weight, length, or didn’t meet certain physical conditions (ie, air brakes, having a…
18-20 year olds are able to carry guns and shoot people in far off lands. Hell, they can drive tanks and even semi-trucks there too! I’m not sure why this is perceived as being so dangerous. As long as they receive adequate training/certification, why is a 21 year old safe, but a 20 year old not?
This car only has 23 miles on it.
If you’re wealthy enough to “park a car” you’re pretty much asking for it, right?
It’s understandable. The pandemic has hit people hard, these people are just trying to sca... earn a living.
Sounds like UP has security guards. Does Erin have security guards?
Yeah they actually are.
This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy.
Stealing is not a good thing to do, we all know that. Thieves are out to make a quick buck at the expense of someone else. But this strikes me more as desperate, wholesale looting than property crime.
Yeah, my sympathies are with the people who paid (a lot—they’re not cheap) for epi pens to save their lives and didn’t get them, not with the vandals and thieves that _really_ need a hit of meth and trashed the life-saving pens. They’re not stealing food and blankets to care for their families, they’re just stealing…
“Now, every outlet is calling these folks thieves, and sure, that’s technically correct.”
I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.
This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who…
Know exactly where you're talking about. They still do IT training there; took a VMware class there a couple years ago. Still smells like cinnamon and Old Bay. Glad I missed butter day...
You can get special plates for any number of causes, even things like sports teams. How is this worse than any other special causes?
“My credit card machine is down. I’ll take you to an ATM”
watched the meter tick.
That doesn’t seem entirely unreasonable, assuming most of it was for the driver. Good on Uber for dropping it in any case, and good on the rider for leaving a suitably large tip.