
Implying that Cash for Clunkers was successful is just silly. It seriously hurt the used car market by removing a lot of perfectly capable and affordable cars while also removing a lot of potential inventory from scrapyards that could have helped to keep other old cars in service more cheaply and efficiently. I also

I know you hate the guy a lot, but a third interpretation could be he is repeating some things that have been said in various Democrat rallys and one vague statement taking credit for any new car factories in Michigan.

The Obama administration conducted a successful trade-in program

Keep in mind that the Express is often the basis for small buses, ambulances, those big cube van things, other giant vehicles. I mean, it’s overkill for plenty of applications, but if you’re building an ambulance it’s almost sensible.

There’s no direct competition. Plus no fleet pays that price, they all work on pricing with GM to get these things cheap.

For your use case sure, but there are other uses besides moving flowers and shrubs. I used to routinely load one up with tools and supplies and then add a 5000-6000lb trailer on the back. 150hp won’t cut it in that scenario and I know many contractors who load them up even more.


The banks don’t control where you bought your last vehicle. If you as the buyer choose to do this, the bank that is currently holding your loan has no idea which dealer is suggesting it to you.

Wait, so you are mad that now everyone does what you do? Classic.

What I thought during that commercial was, “How was she, stuck in that closed-in traffic jam, just able to turn left onto open road? Are ICE driven cars not able to use open roads?”

Would be a much shorter article if it was about all the things that WEREN’T wrong with it.

A lemon-law attorney is a good idea, but you can do other things, too. A strongly worded letter to the right people at Honda Corporate might implore them to buy the vehicle back as a goodwill gesture. Express how you bought the car based on Honda’s stellar reliability reputation and how disappointed you are that it

Now playing

Careful loading Civics into U-Haul box trucks.

For how cheap these are getting, the build can easily fit that budget. 2" lift, a few skid plates, lots and lots of Milwaukees Best.

Vehicle pictured at top is the best one for getting you to the mountains and leaving you stranded.

An enclosed metal building will get much, much hotter than the outside temperature when the sun is hitting it all day.

I was just over in Raph’s post trying to figure out how to afford and ship a $1,500 minivan from Colorado to Michigan, so I can totally relate to the sultan’s situation. Extemely normal stuff.

“It’s a Tech company” is not reassuring anymore.

You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean

I’m going to go back and read the rest of the article, but did you just lead off with a “Regulate” reference?

EDIT: OK, I’m back. Out of curiosity, would an extra 700 miles on the clock be sufficient cause to claim breach-of-contract on the deal? Seems like a lot of unlisted miles at this price-point.