
sure sounds like he’s just salty about his bad choice. And let’s be honest, there are a TON of people who bought his books because of the games, it’s not like he got nothing out of it. I love his books and I have bought every one of them that’s been translated, but this is a bad look for him imo.

got her but 4 star =/ oh well

I think they should have gone the junkenstein route and limited it to a certain amount of heroes. Sym and Torb/bastion should be out, they require no aim to hit someone and taking just 1 hp in damage makes you stop capturing. I get why people say “well you could just tracer and lucio,” but then it would basically be a

actually, I’m someone who doesn’t like online multiplayer, and I love overwatch, easily putting 50 hours into it.

Color this ducks fan surprised Corey Perry hasn’t been mentioned yet

they also mentioned on the AtlusUSA stream today some voice recording needed to be done that wasn’t expected too.

my problem in 3 vs 3 is similar to my problem in quickplay. the first two people pick DPS and we’re done before we even start. I usually pick roadhog so I can tank and at least heal myself, but damn if it isn’t infuriating.
then the person who picked sombra will run to the back of the map, die, and leave me and reaper

can’t recommend the game enough if you haven’t played it!

I sure hope they change it. I’m a mostly solo-que player, and both seasons I’ve lost 9 of 10 placement matches. 5 of them were with people leaving the game after 5 minutes, which is ridiculous that your team can get punished for it. I get 4 or 5 medals, usually play the only support or tank, and no matter how well I

surprised the Kings haven’t made a run at him yet. Maybe they’ve decided this year isn’t worth giving anything up for a short-term fix

he was a fantastic booker

it seems crazy to me not to provide it, and this could be total technical ignorance but I can’t imagine it’s much harder to put both in the game, is it?

if I thought I could learn japanese before valentine’s day, I think I would actually consider it.

we boycott until a pc version!

definitely not the case

interns, the real heroes

I love this mode so much, especially that the majority or battles devolve into an all out attrition war for the first checkpoint with one basically invincible Mei contesting it for the entire countdown until someone inevitably loses in overtime on a 3-4 ult combo.

sounds like the perfect housemate!

if any of you are on the fence about crusader kinds, and you happen to be Game of Thrones fans, they have an absolutely incredible ASOIAF mod that is insanely detailed and has a ton of options.

I think I might actually die of hype before this game releases in the west. got a chance to listen to the OST last week before atlus took it down, and it’s absolutely phenomenal. February can’t come soon enough.