
They got rid of Sam?!

Well, I’m done reading your content Cameron. Still haven’t approved one of my comments, still haven’t made a correction to the “Giya” in your article yesterday.

damn, correct the article but don’t even approve my comment. or even add in a correction, for that matter. 

just a heads up Cameron, it’s Diya. Surprised they didn’t keep ado though, or at least try to flip him for something of value.

He’ll definitely feature this one his next episo..... oh. nevermind!

Nice, enjoy it! 

Just want to say I really appreciate your insight as a former player on posts like these, and think it’s awesome you take the time to do it. Also, playing BFA?

so, brink?

I’ve read this twice and still can’t tell if you’re serious or not.

of course they are. people have to be upset about something.

Any tips on where I can find it dubbed? Crunchyroll only seems to have the japanese audio as far as I can tell

Honestly, I’ve been greyed for 2 years just for pointing out copy mistakes. Salty bastards

that’s all well and good for quick match, but the conversation just isn’t the same when we talk about competitive modes. the ultimate point of competitive is to play at a high level and win, not just have fun. If you want to play symmetra every game, chill. Just do that in quick match.

maybe it’s because my only other experience with gacha games is Fate GO, but damn that game is far stingier with the stuff it gives away. I can grind a few days a week for orbs, but once you run out in FGO you are basically SOL. and the login bonuses are much better for FE also.

Didn’t that get announced like a year ago?

hey weird, that’s my strategy in overwatch. no wonder I’m so bad..

breh. for real

In the lede?!

I’ve been saving my orbs for something like this, spent 60 and managed to get hector. reallllly want takumi still, but oh well. He’s a wonderful addition to bunny and regular lucina, kagura, and the other like 10 5 stars who never even get used.

Holy shit every thread. “well Crosby did this one time!!!”

Jesus Christ, you’re team is (supposedly) full of adults. have any of you Columbus fans ever heard the phrase, “two wrongs don’t make a right?”
Calvert’s actions were absolutely inexcusable in every way, Crosby hitting a dude in the nuts last month or last year